Foreign NGO websites with Russian-language translations
- Right Livelihood Award137036
- Награди Демокрация за продан: скритите сили, съавтори на ТТИП - Democracy For Sale awards: The hidden powers co-writing TTIP 2016 (Bulgarian)137037
- campaign : 1 for 7 billion - find the best UN leader in 2016137039
- EU-Russia Civil Society Forum - facebook - eng137040
- Action Reconciliation Peace Services - Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, Berlin, Germany137041
- Journal Osteuropa (Germany) - ger, rus, eng137042
- Exhibition Gulag - Germany137043
- x-tausend mal quer - Anti-nuclear grassroots movement - Germany - rus137044
- Bürgerinitiative contra Endlager - Germany137045
- Occupy Movement, Germany :Призыв: 18 марта 2015 года – Транснациональные акции против гала-открытия Европейского Центрального Банка – Захватим вечеринку!137046
- Lew Kopelew Forum - Köln, Germany137047
- International Chernobyl Network - rus, eng, ger137048
- Energy Transition. The German Energiewende - rus137049
- Frontline Defenders - Ireland137050
- International Network for Urban Research and Action137051
- - Poland - rus137052
- Jan Palach - Charles University Multimedia Project, Czech Republic -Мультимедийный проект Карлова университета в Праге - rus137053
- Russisch-Deutsches Literaturzentrum137054
- WRI Handbook for nonviolent campaigns - Пособие для ненасильственных кампаний137055
- Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - Regional Office Moskau - rus, eng, ger137056
- Anne Frank - Amsterdam, Netherlands137057
- Bellona - rus, nor, eng137058
- Euromaidan sos - rus137059
- Media Legal Defence Initiative - London, Britain137060
- Climate Action Network - Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia - rus, eng137061
- Democracy International, Germany - rus137062