General Info
- Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races - White House 03.01.22312836
- The UNTOLD HISTORY of the United States, Season 1 - Oliver Stone 201247881
- Book: The Policy State: An American Predicament - Orren, K & Skowronek, S 10/1747883
- Poll: US Biggest Threat To World Peace In 201347884
- Potter and Penniman: “The System Is Rigged Against Regular People” 3/1647885
- Wendell Potter and Nick Penniman: "The System Is Rigged Against Regular People" - Audio47886
- Five Facts That Put America to Shame - Paul Buchheit 5/1247887
- Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - YouTube47888
- Peoples' History of the United States ! (what they don't tell you at school)47889
- Real History Archives Collections47890
- Official Culture in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?47891
- Federal Government - Washington Post47892
- WSWS: News Analysis - North America47893
- Do We Live in a Police State? | Ron Paul - YouTube 1/1447894
- The Commandments: The Constitution and its worshippers - New Yorker 1/1147895
- American Amnesia: We Forget Our Atrocities Almost As Soon as We Commit Them 5/0947896
- National Intelligence Council report: sun setting on the American century - Times 11/0847897
- My Turn by Robert Paul Reyes - Sites that have a link to my column47898
- Learn Something - Political Videos186563
- American Enlightenment - Wikipedia 307142
- Police State / L'État Policier - Centre for Research on Globalisation47900
- Forgetting the Bomb: The Assault on History47901
- The Anti-American Manifesto (2010) - Ted Rall47902
- Grim Statistics !47905
- Crooked Media 223107
- The true Benjamin Franklin (1903) (Archive)47906
- Alyssa Milano -tw 216765
- @kthalps - tw202151
- @mashagessen200774
- @apiper13 - Allan Piper 193691
- @USRealityCheck - tw47880
- @SamSeder - tw47879
- @DavidNir - tw221527
- @RonPaul - tw187743
- @DarthJeff90 - tw221529
- @PoliticsWolf - tw221528
- It's time to rank the vote! (Video) - FairVote.org193240
- Geopolitics: The Geographical Pivot of History - Wikipedia 213005
- Geopolitics: Halford Mackinder's work significance - Wikipedia213006
- @therecount220907