General Info
- Map: Is your area at risk from fracking? - FoE UK174424
- I do not use #LNG / #nonukes - tw215269
- Fracking / Hydraulic Fracturing - Wikipedia174427
- Shale gas - Wikipedia174428
- Shale Gas - Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) UK174431
- Natural Gas Extraction - Hydraulic Fracturing - US EPA174432
- Dangers of Fracking (USA) - Archive174436
- Hydraulic Fracturing - American Petroleum Institute174437
- FrackNation - Facebook174440
- ENTSOG - TP272772
- WrongMove (UK) - could your home be fracked? (by post code)174441
- What is fracking and why is it controversial? - BBC174444
- How fracking for shale gas works (Graphic) - BBC174445
- How does fracking affect your neighbourhood? (aerial view)174449
- Cuadrilla Resources - Wikipedia174450
- FracFocus (USA) - chemical disclosure registry174453
- Cuadrilla Resources (UK)174458
- Frack-Off - Links174459
- Paul Mobbs & Mobbs' Environmental Investigations174462
- EcoWatch - on: Fracking174463
- Natural gas - Wikipedia275054
- Fracking explained: the controversial extraction process that Harris and Trump sparred over - Guardian 11.09.24431858