Tipnis Highway
- Video: Planned highway angers Bolivia's indigenous people - DW167661
- Tinpis Highway - PIEB report167663
- Indigenous Bolivians March Against Highway - ICT News 13.09.18 445204
- New law puts Bolivian biodiversity hotspot on road to deforestation - Science Direct 08.01.18445185
- Why is Evo Morales Reviving Bolivia’s Controversial TIPNIS Road? - NACLA 21.08.17445186
- 'They lied': Bolivia's untouchable Amazon lands at risk once more - Guardian 11.09.17445191
- Bolivia approves highway through Amazon biodiversity hotspot - Guardian 18.08.17445184
- Bolivia approves highway through Amazon biodiversity hotspot - Guardian 15.08.17167664
- Financial Sovereignty or A New Dependency? How China is Remaking Bolivia - NACLA 10.08.17167666
- Failed economic development plans drive deforestation in Andean Amazon - Mongabay 20.10.16167667
- Contrary to popular belief, coca not the driving force of deforestation, report reveals - Science Daily 29.09.16167670
- Nixed Bolivian highway offers environmental lessons to big Brazil bank - Mongabay 24.08.16445192
- Bolivia’s Morales pushes controversial TIPNIS highway forward, again - Infoamazonia 20.08.15445187
- Alvaro Garcia Linera: Geopolitics of the Amazon -- Patrimonial-Hacendado power and capitalist accumulation - Links 01.12.12167673
- Bolivia: TIPNIS Communities Divided As Road Consultation Begins - NACLA 05.08.12445196
- The Bully From Brazil - Foreign Policy 20.07.12167676
- Bolivia: TIPNIS Marchers Reach La Paz, Following Police Strike and Coup Allegations - NACLA 02.07.12445202
- New Twist for TIPNIS Road: Bolivia Cancels Highway Contract - NACLA 16.04.12445193
- Bolivia’s TIPNIS Conflict: Letting the People Decide? - NACLA 24.02.12445203
- Bolivia’s TIPNIS Conflict Continues: Fanning the Flames of Discontent - NACLA 03.02.12445198
- Bolivia march revives Tipnis Amazon road dispute - BBC 31.01.12445205
- The TIPNIS Affair: Indigenous Conflicts and the Limits on “Pink Tide” States Under Capitalist Realities - COHA 16.12.11445188
- Road Rage and Resistance: Bolivia’s TIPNIS Conflict - NACLA 08.12.11445190
- Bolivia's Evo Morales scraps Amazon road project - BBC 21.10.11167679
- TIPNIS Marchers, Bolivian Voters Send Wake-Up Call to Evo Morales - NALCLA 20.10.11445199
- Bolivia's TIPNIS Conflict Moves to La Paz - NACLA 14.10.11445201
- Police Attack on TIPNIS Marchers Roils Bolivia - NALCA 28.09.11445197
- Bolivian president Evo Morales suspends Amazon road project - Guardian 27.09.11167680
- Bolivian president Evo Morales suspends Amazon road project - Guardian 22.09.11445194
- Evading indigenous consultation in Bolivia - Al Jazeera 14.09.11445189
- Indigenous activists gain momentum in Bolivia - Al Jazeera 29.08.11 445195
- Bolivia: Indigenous Groups to March Against TIPNIS Highway - NACLA 12.08.11445200