Regional Organisations
- ACCORD - African centre for the Constructive Resolution of Dispute169885
- ACHAP169888
- African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies169889
- African Development Bank Group169890
- Africa Foundation169893
- African Economic Development Solutions169894
- African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)169895
- Africa Educational Trust169898
- Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC)169899
- African Initiatives169900
- Africa Legal Aid169903
- Africa Mining Vision169904
- Africa Power & Politics169905
- Africa Governance Initiative (Tony Blair)169908
- African Media Initiative169909
- African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect169910
- Africa Research Institute169913
- African Rural Development Movement169914
- African Union169917
- Africare - Agriculture & Food Security169918
- Afrobarometer - non-partisan survey research network.372688
- AGE Africa (Advancing Girls' Education in Africa)169919
- AGRA - Alliance (Africa)169922
- Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa169923
- Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa169927
- AMREF169928
- ANCEFA (African Network Campaign on Education for All)169929
- Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)169932
- The Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE)169936
- Center for African Studies (University of Pennsylvania) 169937
- CGDev - Africa169940
- Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) Programme169941
- Coalition for an Effective African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights169944
- Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) 169945
- Cornerstone Development Africa169946
- Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)169949
- Develop Africa169950
- Fahamu169954
- FEPDHA - Fondation pour la promotion pour l’étude de droits de l’homme et du développement en Afrique169955
- Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa169958
- Forum For African Women Educationalists - FAWE169959
- Foundation for the Development of Africa169962
- Eastern & Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers' Forum169963
- Equinet Africa169966
- Global Alliance for Africa169967
- Grow Africa169968
- Institute for African Development (Cornell University)169971
- Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA)169972
- Left Behind - Girls' Education in Africa169973
- Médecins d'Afrique169976
- New Partnership for Africa's Development - NEPAD169977
- Self Help Africa169978
- Sasakawa Africa Association169981
- South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)169982
- Southern Africa Trust (South Africa)169983
- Trust Africa (Senegal)169986
- UNDP in Africa169987
- UN Economic Commission for Africa169988
- West Africa Network for Peacebuilding169992
- Wilson Center - Africa Program169993
- Women'sNet Front Door169994
- ForAfrika453657
- Evidence for Change453665
- Gargaar Relief Development Organization (GREDO) - Somalia453675
- FONGIM - Forum des ONG Internationales au Mali453688
- STAND454718
- Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat454880
- Network of Women Leaders for Development454891
- Results for Development Institute454893
- Network for Empowered Aid Response454957
- ONG Karkara - Niger454986
- ONG El-Bourak - Niger454990
- Link Education International455019
- Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria - Nigeria455406
- Charter for Change455425