NGOs, Think Tanks & United Nations
- 3ie Impact - Urban Development162827
- ADB - Urban Development162830
- AKDN - Habitat162831
- Archictecture Sans Frontieres162832
- Catalytic Communities 162836
- Brookings - Metropolitan Areas162837
- Inclusive mega-cities in Asia in a globalising world - NWO 05.06.08162838
- ETH Zurich - Cities of the Future162842
- ETH Zurich - Future Cities Laboratory162843
- Global Communities - Urban Management162846
- Global Network of Cities, Local & Regional Governments162847
- Global Urban Development162848
- Habitat for Humanity International162851
- Habitat International Coalition162852
- Housing and Land Rights Network162853
- IDDRI - Urban Fabric162856
- IDS - Cities Cluster162857
- IIED - Urban Development162858
- Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies 162861
- International Alliance of Inhabitants162862
- International Urban Development Association162863
- ODI - Urbanisation162866
- OECD - Urban Development162867
- Practical Action - Urban Water & Sanitation162868
- UNECE - Sustainable Urban Development162873
- UN Habitat162872
- United Nations University - Urbanisation162874
- Urban Poor Fund International162877
- Wilson Center - Urban Sustainability Laboratory162878
- World Bank - Urban Development162879
- World Urban Campaign162882
- World Vision - Urban Programmes162883