(Sustainable) Livelihoods & Income Generation
- Livelihoods157185
- Sustainable Livelihoods Research Consortium157186
- Oxfam Policy & Practice - Food & Livelihoods157191
- FHI 360 - Economic Developmentt & Livelihoods Resources157192
- Pact World - Livelihoods157193
- Practical Action - Technology for Sustainable Livelihoods157197
- Oxfam / Church Action on Poverty: The sustainable livelihoods handbook: An asset based approach to poverty (pdf) 157203
- UNDP - Guidance Note on Disaster Recovery: Livelihoods157204
- Tearfund - Think Sustainable Livelihoods Toolkit157205
- UNDP: Livelihoods and Economic Recovery157209
- UNHCR - Livelihoods157210
- Book: Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development (Ian Scoones, 2015)157211
- Book: Securing Livelihoods for All (OECD, 2015)157215
- Book: Women Reclaiming Sustainable Livelihoods Spaces Lost, Spaces Gained (Harcourt, W. (Ed.) 2012)157216
- Book: Sustainable Livelihoods: Building on the Wealth of the Poor (Kristin Helmore, Naresh Singh, 2001)157217
- Report: From Extreme Poverty to Sustainable Livelihoods A Technical Guide to the Graduation Approach - CGAP 09/14157220
- Paper: Sustainable Livelihood Approach: A critical analysis of theory and practice - Reading University 02/09157221
- Paper: Rural income generating activities in developing countries: re-assessing the evidence - eJade 05/07157222
- Paper: Sustainable Livelihoods: A Case Study of the Evolution of DFID Policy - ODI 06/03157226
- Paper: Participatory Research for Sustainable Livelihoods: A Guidebook for Field Projects - IISD 01/02157227
- Paper: The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction - SIDA 02/01157228
- Paper: Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century - IDS 12/91157232