NGOs / Campaigns
- ActionAid UK - Tax Justice166451
- ActionAid USA - Tax Justice166452
- Africa IFF Campaign166453
- CAFOD - Aid166454
- Christian Aid - Trace the Tax166455
- CONCORD Europe - Financing Development166456
- European Fundraising Association 361695
- @EFAfundassn - European Fundraising Association tw361694
- Finance Uncovered166457
- Global Integrity166458
- Global Witness166459
- Health Poverty Action - Tax and Trade Rules166460
- IBON International - Development Finance166461
- Make Tax Fair Campaign166462
- One Campaign - The Trillion Dollar Scandal166463
- Oxfam - Make Corporations Pay Their Fair Share166464
- NGO Committee on Financing for Developmen166465
- Stop the Bleeding - Campaign to End Illicit Financial Flows from Africa166466
- Transparency International - Poverty & Development166467
- War on Want - Tax Justice Now166468
- Women for Tax Justice166469
- Women Working Group on Financing for Development166470