General Info
- 2015 UN Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia164225
- Here’s what the Paris climate agreement does and doesn’t do - AP 21.01.25451672
- Fossil fuel companies undermining Paris agreement negotiations – report - Guardian 01.11.17164226
- Report: Polluting Paris: How Big Polluters are undermining global climate policy - Corporate Accountability 11/17164227
- Everything you need to know about the Paris climate summit and UN talks - Guardian164228
- Bill McKibben: Climate Protest Movement, Not COP21, Key to Preventing “Uninhabitable World” - DN 02.12.15164229
- Off and On: The Climate Movement and the Road Through Paris 10.09.15164230
- About the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA)164231
- LPAA Focus - Thematic Events and Action Day at COP21164232
- UNFCCC COP21 - Webcasts & more164233
- Art COP 21 - Global climate art festival 2015164234
- Graphic : Paris Climate 2015 - Nous devons changer, pas le climate164235
- Admitted NGO - UNFCCC164236
- Profiles of Paris 198104
- COP 21 - nonpaper Draft 05.10.15164237
- Road to Paris164238
- NAZCA - Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action164239
- COP-21 News: Updates on the Road to Paris - Global Catholic Climate Movement164240
- A Crash Course on COP21 (a.k.a. the Paris Climate Talks) - Good Magazine164241
- 7 questions you were too embarrassed to ask about the UN Climate Summit - Oxfam164242
- COP21 and the Paris Agreement: a diplomacy masterclass in search of greater climate ambition - Elcano 02.04.16164243
- COP21: Alternatiba cree en una movilización ciudadana - Equal Times 01.10.15164244
- Ma COP 21 - La Conference décryptée par le Réseau Action Climat164245
- Réseau Action Climat - facebook164246
- Road to Paris and Beyond Calendar - Grassroots Global Justice Alliance164247
- demosphere - agenda alternatif de la région parisienne164248
- Green Cross partenaire du Forum Convergence du 7 au 9 septembre 2015 164249
- FilmIntro Climate Deadline - August 10, 2015 - youtube164250
- Filmproject : CLIMATE DEADLINE - Paris, December 2015 - International Institute of Climate Action & Theory164251
- IISD, International Institute for Sustainable Development on Climate Change Policy & Practice. A Knowledgebase of UN and Intergovernmental Activities (New York) - COP 21164252
- Search "cop 21" - reseau Sortir du Nucleaire164253
- Mediapart, le journal - COP 21164254
- Search COP 21 - reporterre. Le « quotidien de l’écologie »164255
- Solutions Cop21 : showcase climate solutions and increase target audience - A pavilion at Le Bourget from 30 Nov to 12 Dec 2015164256
- Toward a Strategy on Oceans and Climate at the UNFCCC COP 21 Paris - global ocean forum164257
- Rules of the Game: a (re)Introduction to UN Climate Talks - Tipping Point Collective164258
- this changes everything - Naomi Klein164259
- Paris 2015: Tracking country climate pledges - The Carbon brief 8/15164260
- Politics of Global Warming - Wikipedia164261
- CliMates - student solutions to climate change164262
- Climate Reality Project Launches Global Campaign To Call For A Strong Emissions Reductions Agreement in Paris - CRP 16.04.15164263
- Road to Paris - live earth164264
- Facebook - CliMates164265
- Climate Change - Guardian, Britain164266
- Paris 2015: 10 things you need to know about the climate talks - The Age 11/15164267
- Global news organisations agree to share climate change content - Guardian, Britain164268
- Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change - International Islamic Climate Change Symposium164269
- Magazine terra eco - COP 21164270
- REFEDD - French student group164271
- Greenpeace France164272
- Attac France164273
- Human Hotel - COP 21164274
- Pascal Canfin (French) - Twitter164276
- Place to B164277
- Booking - Paris164278
- Booking - Le Bourget164279
- Coalition Climate 21 - Lodging164280
- Affordable Hostels in Paris - Climate Coalition164281
- Le Bourget - Wikipedia (NE Paris)164282
- RER B Stations - Wikipedia164283
- Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - Airlines (NE Paris)164284
- Are Climate Advocates not Welcome in France for COP21? - CADTM 03.11.15164285