Think Tanks / Research Institutes
- African Centre for Citizenship & Democracy163432
- Africa Power & Politics163433
- Basel Institute on Governance163434
- Brookings - Development Assistance and Governance Initiative163435
- C2G2 - The Centre for Citizenship, Globalization and Governance163436
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Democracy & Rule of Law163437
- Center for the Study of Democracy163439
- Centre for Civil Society (until 2010)163440
- Center for Civil Society Studies163441
- CGDev - Governance & Democracy163442
- Chatham House - Social Movements & Civil Society163443
- CHR Michelsen Institute - Governance163444
- Copenhagen Consensus - Governance163445
- Democratic Progress Institute163446
- Development Leadership Programme163447
- Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Parti=cipation and Accountability (until 2010)163448
- d.i.e - gdi - Political Transformation & Democracy Promotion163449
- ECDPM - African Governance Initiatives163450
- Effective States & Inclusive Development163451
- Harvard University - Building State Capability163452
- Harvard University - Program on Networked Governance163453
- Heinrich Boll Stiftung - Democracy163454
- IDDRI - Governance163455
- IDE Jetro - Democratization163456
- IDRC - Governance163457
- IDS - Governance163458
- IDS - Participation Research Cluster163459
- IDS - Power & Popular Politics Research Cluster163460
- iied - Participation163461
- Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development163462
- IPA - Governance163463
- J-PAL - Political Economy & Governance163464
- MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Opening Governance163465
- North-South Institute - Governance & State Resilience163466
- ODI - Politics & Governance163467
- OECD DAV - Governance & Peace163468
- OECD - Public Governance163469
- Participate 2015163470
- Democracy and human rights - GOS163471
- Princeton University - Innovations for Successful Societies163472
- Results for Development - Governance163473
- Transparency & Accountability Initiative163475
- UNRISD - Governance, Civil Society & Participation163476
- UNU - Governance163477
- Independent Institute - Wikipedia 435242