Donors / Foundations - Peace & Conflict
- UNESCO seeks nominations for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2020 - Unesco 22.01.20157301
- Peace & Security Funders Group157305
- Agence Francais de Developpement - Crisis and conflicts157306
- Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust (UK)157307
- Austrian Development Cooperation - Peacebuiling & Conflict Prevention157311
- BMZ (German Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development) - Peace157312
- Bridgeway Foundation (USA)157313
- Carnegie Corporation of New York (USA) - International Peace & Security157317
- Chino Cienega Foundation (USA)157318
- Comic Relief (UK) - Children & Young People157319
- Compton Foundation (USA)157323
- The Cove Charitable Trust448547
- DANIDA - Stability & Protection157324
- DFID - Peace & Access to Justice Funding157325
- European Commission - Peace & Security157329
- Foundation for Middle East Peace157330
- Fund for Nonviolence (USA)157331
- The HAND Foundation - Crisis Management & Rebuilding157335
- Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (New York)157336
- Howard G Buffet Foundation (USA)157337
- Humanitarian Innovation Fund157341
- Humanity United (USA)157342
- KIOS (Finland)157343
- JICA - Peace-building157347
- The James R & Mary Jane Barrett Foundation Inc448590
- Jubitz Family Foundation448538
- Kahane Foundation (Switzerland) - Conflict Resolution157348
- MacArthur Foundation (USA) - International Peace & Security157349
- Netherlands Development Cooperation - Security & Rule of Law157353
- Peace Development Fund (USA)157355
- Peace & Security Funder's Group157359
- Peace Nexus448535
- Peace Workers US448544
- Ploughshares Fund (USA)157360
- Puffin Foundation448543
- RSF - Regenerative Social Finance448537
- Robert Bosch Stiftung (Germany) - Peace157364
- Rockefeller Brother's Foundation (USA) - Peacebuilding157365
- Rotary Foundation 157366
- Samuel Rubin Foundation (USA)157368
- Schooner Foundation (USA)157369
- School Sisters of Notre Dame448540
- Schwelle Foundation (Germany)157370
- SIDA - Conflict resolution, peace and security157374
- Swiss Church Aid - Promotion of Peace & Conflict Resolution157375
- Swiss Confederation for Development Cooperation - Fragility and violence157376
- Tides448592
- UNIFOR448593
- UN Peacebuilding Fund157380
- USAID - Crises & Conflict157381
- US Institute for Peace157382
- Vermont Community Foundation448542
- Voices for Creative Nonviolence448539
- Wallace Action Fund448546