Intellectual Property Rights & Seeds
- SciDev - Intellectual Property155918
- Knowledge for Development - Seed Systems155919
- UN Special Rapporteur to Food (Olivier de Schutter) - Seeds155920
- Bioprospecting in the Global Commons: Issue Brief (UNEP)155922
- Bioprospecting - Wikipedia155923
- SciDev - Bioprospecting155924
- People's Coalition on Food Sovereignty - Seeds155928
- Access to Seeds Index155929
- Seeds & Peasant Autonomy155930
- Infographic: Stop seed laws that criminalise farmers & defend local seeds! - GRAIN155934
- Knowledge for Development - Biodiversity155935
- Convention on Biological Diversity - Homepage155936
- Convention on Biological Diversity - Wikipedia155940
- Econexus - Biodiversity155941
- Genetic Use Restriction Technology - Wikipedia155942
- Ban Terminator Campaign155946
- Book: Biodiversity, Access and Benefit-Sharing: Global Case Studies (Daniel Robinson 2014)155947
- Book: Global Biopiracy: Patents, Plants, and Indigenous Knowledge (Ikechi Mgbeoji 2011)155948
- Book: Biopiracy of Local Seed Varieties (Manyara Angeline Munzara 2010)155952
- Book: Confronting Biopiracy: Challenges, Cases and International Debates (Daniel F. Robinson, 2010)155953
- Book: The Future Control of Food: A Guide to International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Food Security (Geoff Tansey & Tasmin Rajotte, 200…155957
- Book: Biopiracy of biodiversity: global exchange as enclosure (A. Mushita & Carol Thompson, 2007)155958
- Book: When Nature Goes Public: The Making and Unmaking of Bioprospecting in Mexico (Cori Hayden, 2003)155959
- Book: Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge (Vandana Shiva, 1997)155963
- This Long-Dead Scientist’s Collection of Rare Seeds Could Help Keep Us Alive - Mother Jones 20.07.24427844
- Community-based seed banks in Nepal help conserve native species - Mongabay 14.07.22295351
- Seed banks: the last line of defense against a threatening global food crisis - Guardian 15.04.22282813
- Why seed banks aren't just for doomsday - BBC 01.04.22280652
- High Yield Seeds Could Address Food Shortages and Place Africa on Track to Zero Hunger - Global Issues 16.12.21265477
- 'If you own the seeds you own the food system': campaigners demand public ownership to counter Big Ag privatization - CD 28.12.20229878
- Report: Seed laws that criminalise farmers: resistance and fightback - GRAIN & Via Campesina 04/15155964
- Seed laws that criminalise farmers: poster, map, tables and additional country cases - GRAIN / Via Campesina 04/15155965
- Ghana’s Monsanto seed law faces set back - Global Justice Now 11/14155969
- The battle for seeds in Colombia - Global Justice Now 11/14155970
- Report: Our Seeds, Our Future - Via Campesina, 05/13155971
- Report: Seed policies and the right to food: enhancing agrobiodiversity and encouraging innovation - UN SR Food 07/09155974
- Report: Seed Heritage of the People for the Good of Humanity - Via Campesina 01/08155975
- Report: Protecting Indigenous Knowledge against Biopiracy in the Andes - IIED 12/06155976
- Biodiversity and Biotechnology: A Misunderstood Relation - Michigan State Law Review 2005155979
- Paper: Biopiracy, the CBD and TRIPS – The Prevention of Biopiracy - University of Lund 05/04155981