AGRA & New Alliance for Food Security
- The G8 and the fight for the future of African farming - interactive (Guardian)155771
- AGRA Alliance - Homepage155772
- Gates Foundation - AGRA155775
- AGRA - Wikipedia155776
- New Alliance for Food Security & Nutrition - Homepage155777
- USAID: New Alliance for Food Security & Nutrition155780
- Guardian: Articles on New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition155782
- Sign-on statement: stop UK aid giveaway to multinationals - War on Want155785
- The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa Is Hurting Farmers, Not Helping - CD 21.06.22292115
- Report: Partnership for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa, Final Evaluation - Mathematica.Org 03/22292112
- Recent report found that Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) strategies have failed spectacularly - Global Issues 08.09.20216072
- European parliament slams G7 food project in Africa - Guardian 06/16155786
- New Alliance land grab reported in Nigeria - ActionAid 07/15155787
- The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition: a coup for corporate capital? - TNI 05/14155792
- US criticised over increased private sector investment in Africa - Guardian 05/14155795
- For Whose Benefit? The G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Burkina Faso - Oxfam 22.05.14155796
- G8 New Alliance condemned as new wave of colonialism in Africa - Guardian 02/14155800
- Countering Africa’s green revolution - IRIN 07/13155801
- G8's new alliance for food security and nutrition is a flawed project - Guardian 07/13155802
- Report: Whose Alliance? The G8 and the Emergence of a Global Corporate Regime for Agriculture - CISDE 05/13155805
- Mozambican youth and students denounce G8's New Alliance - GRAIN 04/13155807
- Structural Adjustment 2.0. G8 Initiative “New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa“ paves the way for radical opening of markets for international seed and agra…155811
- Alliance for a Green Revolution (AGRA): Laying the Ground for the Commercialisation of African Agriculture - African Centre for Biosafety 09/12155814
- Letter from African Civil Society Critical of Foreign Investment in African Agriculture at G8 Summit - GRAIN 05/12155815
- G8 food security alliance answers question hungry people have not asked - Oxfam 05/12155816
- The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition: Nothing New About Ignoring Africa's Farmers - Huff Post 05/12155819
- Report: The Hunger Games: How DFID support for agribusiness is fuelling poverty in Africa - War on Want 02/12155820
- The ‘keepers of seed’: The impact of the ‘Green Revolution’ in Africa on female farmers - Consultancy Africa 06/11155821
- Why is the Gates foundation investing in GM giant Monsanto? - Guardian 09/10155824
- Global food crisis: Towards a 'doubly green' world - Guardian 05/11155825
- Report: Assessing the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) - ActionAid 08/09155826
- Ending Africa's Hunger. Bill Gates's fortune is funding a new Green Revolution. But is that what Africans need? - The Nation 08/09155829
- Report: Voices from Africa: African Farmers and Environmentalists Speak Out Against a New Green Revolution in Africa - Oakland Institute 2009155830
- A new Green Revolution for Africa? - GRAIN 12/07155831
- Ten Reasons Why the Green Revolution Will Not Solve Poverty and Hunger in Africa - Food First 10.01.06155834