Smallholder Farmers
- GRAIN Organization - Twitter155401
- State of Food & Agriculture 2014: Innovations in Family Farming (FAO)155405
- Smallholder farmers in Kenya and their challenges - Borgen Project 13.08.24427740
- Small family farmers produce a third of the world’s food - FAO 23.04.21242221
- Smallholder agriculture in Africa. An overview and implications for policy - IIED 10/14155406
- Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland - GRAIN 5/14155407
- Smallholder agriculture’s contribution to better nutrition - ODI 4/13155411
- Leaping and learning: linking smallholders to markets - Future Agricultures 9/13155412
- Re-Searching Agriculture in South Asia: The law and policy context for agricultural research and development and its impact on smallholder farmers - IIED 7/13155413
- Smallholders, food security, and the environment - IFAD 7/13155417
- Tipping the Balance: Policies to shape agricultural investments and markets in favour of small-scale farmers - Oxfam 12/12155418
- Changing perspectives: Small-scale farmers, markets and globalisation - IIED 7/12155419
- What Works for Women: Proven approaches for empowering women smallholders and achieving food security - ActionAid 03/12155423
- Towards policies for climate change mitigation: Incentives and benefits for smallholder farmers - CGIAR-CCAFS 3/12155424
- Smallholder Solutions to Hunger, Poverty and Climate Change - Food First 1/12155425
- Solving the food crisis by helping small scale farmers - ODI 10/11155429
- Averting the crisis by investing in women smallholders - ACtionAid 9/11155430
- Smallholder-led Sustainable Agriculture - ActionAid International Briefing 6/11155431
- Five Big Questions about Five Hundred Million Small Farms - IFAD 1/11155435
- Fertile Ground: How governments and donors can halve hunger by supporting small farmers - ActionAid 4/10155436
- Sustainable Peasant and Family Farm Agriculture Can Feed the World - Via Campesina 4/10155437
- Making the most of agricultural investment: A survey of business models that provide opportunities for smallholders - IFAD 2010155441
- The Missing Middle in Agricultural Finance: Relieving the capital constraint on smallhold groups and other agricultural SMEs - Oxfam 10/09155442
- Can the smallholder model deliver poverty reduction and food security for a rapidly growing population in Africa? - ODI 6/09155443
- Agroecology, Small Farms, and Food Sovereignty - Monthly Review 7/09155447
- Investing in Poor Farmers: Rethinking how to invest in Agriculture - Oxfam 30.06.09155448
- Smallholder Farming in Transforming Economies of Asia and the Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities - IFAD 02/09155449
- Small Farms as a Planetary Ecological Asset: Five Key Reasons Why We Should Support the Revitalisation of Small Farms in the Global South - Third World Network 08155453
- The Future of Smallholder Agriculture - GDPRD Policy Brief 10/08155454
- The future of small farms for poverty reduction and growth - IFPRI 5/07155455
- A Long Row to Hoe: Family farming and rural poverty in developing countries - Nef / Oxfam 10/06155459
- Is there a future for small farms - IFPRI 8/03155461