Fractional-reserve Banking / Private Money Creation - Info
- Fractional Reserve Banking - Wikipedia135911
- Money Creation - Wikipedia135912
- Fractional Reserve Banking Resource Portal !135913
- Double-entry Bookkeeping - Wikipedia135914
- Financial Times - Free Money Series135915
- Money in the modern economy: an introduction (Bank of England briefing)135916
- Money creation in the modern economy (Bank of England paper)135917
- Positive Money - How Money Works135918
- Banking 101 (Video Course) - Positive Money135919
- Paper: Can banks individually create money out of nothing? — The theories and the empirical evidence - International Review of Financial Analysis 12/14 !135920
- Video: Overview of Fractional Reserve Banking (Khan Academy)135921
- Video: Weaknesses in Fractional Reserve Lending (Khan Academy)135922
- Video: Fractional Reserve Banking commentary (1 of 3) - Khan Academy135923
- Web of Debt - Book and Blog by Ellen Brown135924
- Documentary - The Secret of Oz135925
- Documentary: The Money Masters135926
- Documentary: Money as Debt135927
- Documentary: 97% Owned (Full Version)135928
- Documentary: 97% Owned (Shorter Version)135929
- Documentary: Economic Science and the Debt Crisis135930
- Book: Where does money come from? - New Economics Foundation135931
- Book: The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery and Destructive Economics (Michael Rowbotham 05/98)135932
- Paper: The power to create money ‘out of thin air’ - Prime Economics, 01/13135933
- Book: Understanding Modern Money -The Key to Full Employment and Price Stability135934
- Interview with Economist Steve Keen: Why Economics is Bunk135935
- Steve Keen on Keiser Report135936
- Steve Keen - Instability in Financial Markets Lecture135937
- Austrian Economics Critique of Fractional Reserve Banking135938
- Report: Exposed: The Banks' £23 Billion Hidden Subsidy. How Britain's Banks Make Money from Making Money - NEF 01/17135939
- Show me the real money: Three monetary myths that need busting - Heretics Guide to Global Finance 01/15135940
- What if the Public Understood How Money Works? - New Economic Perspectives 01/15135941
- Bankers have done a good job of creating money - Telegraph 05/14135942
- The truth is out: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it - Guardian 03/14135943
- Banks Don't Lend Out Reserves - Forbes 01/14135944
- The myth of the money multiplier - Business Spectator 10/12135945
- Is This the End of Fractional Reserve Banking? - CFAI 27.01.16135946
- The Wall Street Ponzi Scheme called Fractional Reserve Banking - Global Research 10/09135947
- Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall) - Federal Reserve History 16.06.33458822