United Nations and Conscientious Objection
- A CO Guide to the International Human Rights System - 2013128900
- Conscientious Objection to Military Sercice - United Nations, Human Rights Office High Com. - New York/Geneva 2012128901
- A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the UN Human Rights System - Emily Miles 2000128902
- United Nations - Office of the High Commissioner on HUMAN RIGHTS128903
- UN Says Turkey Must Respect Conscience of Its Citizens (Turkish citizens, Cenk Atasoy and Arda Sarkut) - 3/13128904
- United Nations : Commission on Human Rights Resolution Conscientious Objection to Military Service - 1998/77128905
- United Nations HRC resolution on Conscientious Objection - 08/ 12128906
- Greece : Submission to UN Universal Periodic Review - 05/11 - ebco128907
- Refuse to Kill - YouTube272874