NATO Intervention - CRITICAL Voices
- PROTESTS Against the 2011 Military Intervention in Libya - Wikipedia101272
- In a different world, NATO, especially UK, France and US, would be forced to pay reparations for their role in nearly destroying Libya. But it's an unthinkable thought. - Ma…198095
- LIBYA UNDER PENTAGON-NATO RULE: Corruption, internecine conflict and the “fruits” of imperialist warfare - Global Research 16.05.12101273
- NATO: Investigate Civilian Deaths in Libya - hrw 14.05.12101274
- Civilian deaths from NATO airstrikes must be properly investigated - ai 19.03.12101275
- Members' Libya Suit Dismissed Day of Qaddafi's Death - NationalJournal 21.10.11101280
- America's Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel - Global Research 06.10.11101281
- Five myths of Libyan intervention - Mail&Guardian 30.09.11101282
- Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars - Global Research 29.09.11101283
- China: the West's bogeyman in Libya - Asia Times 17.09.11101288
- How the West won Libya - Asia Times 22.10.11101290
- In Strikes on Libya by NATO, an Unspoken Civilian Toll - NY Times 17.12.11101291
- The “liberation” of Libya - World Socialist Web Site101295
- Libya's Finest Hour... As NATO Presses Conquest - BSN 21.08.11101296
- NATO War Crimes: Depleted Uranium Found in Libya by Scientists - Global Research 05.07.11101297
- Libya: Unending American Hostility - Dissident Voice 02.07.11101298
- Cynthia McKinney Denounces Libya Bombing - Global Research 24.06.11101303
- The Benghazi Mission: Diplomats Flock to Rebel City - Spiegel 21.06.11101304
- "The Right to Protect" has Triggered a Humanitarian Disaster - Global Research 16.06.11101305
- War against Libya a reckless outrage - Asia News 05.06.11101306
- USA-UK : Discrepancies between official accounts of the Libyan war - Voltaire Network 04.05.11101311
- NATO's Martyr Bombs: Driving Libyans Back to Qaddafi - Counterpunch 03.05.11101312
- The Media War on Libya: Justifying War through Lies and Fabrications - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya 02.05.11101313
- The heist of the century: the assault of the ‘willing' on Libyan SWFs - Voltaire Network 28.04.11101314
- Understanding the war in Libya (1/3) - Michel Collon 27.04.11101319
- Understanding the war in Libya (2/3) - Michel Collon 27.04.11101320
- Understanding the war in Libya (3/3) - Michel Collon 27.04.11101321
- Libya and the Imperial Re-Division of Africa - Global Research 26.04.11101322
- Financial Heist of the Century: Confiscating Libya's Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) - Global Research 24.04.11101327
- Geoff Simons: Drone attacks will escalate Libya war - Guardian 23.04.11101328
- Why France Will Finish Off Gaddafi - Small Wars Journal 21.04.11101329
- Obama Administration and Pentagon Clashing Over Libya - Atlantic Council 21.04.11101330
- These humanitarians come to Libya with missiles, and an agenda - Guardian 19.04.11101335
- Libya: another neocon war ! - Guardian 21.04.11101336
- Phyllis Bennis: U.K. Sends Troops into Libya as International Coalition Expands Mission to Include Regime Change - Democracy Now! 19.04.11101337
- NATO Data Confirms the Magnitude and Destructive Nature of the Libya Military Operation - Michel Chossudovsky 19.04.11101338
- Libya in face of Humanitarian Imperialism - Investig'Action 18.04.11101343
- Interview: UN head in Kosovo warns against repeating errors in Libya - M&C 16.04.11101344
- Using Libya to Abort the Arab Spring - Ahram Online 16.04.11101345
- Gamal Nkrumah: Libya's last leg - Al-Ahram 14.04.11101346
- Mohamed Anis Salem: The Libya conundrum - Al-Ahram 14.04.11101351
- Putting out fire with gasoline in Libya - People's Voice 13.04.11101352
- Mission Accomplished in Libya for Obama and Coalition - Salem News 11.04.11101353
- Springtime for NATO in Libya - Green Left Weekly 10.04.11101359
- Mahmood Mamdani: Libya after the NATO invasion - Al Jazeera 09.04.11101360
- Libya war - a trap for the West - Voice of Russia 09.04.11101361
- New York Times demands escalation of killing in Libya - WSWS 09.04.11101362
- John Pilger: Westminster warriors untouched by Libya’s suffering and bloodshed - New Statesman 08.04.11101366
- Dangerous Crossroads: Is America Considering the Use of Nuclear Weapons against Libya? - Michel Chossudovsky 07.04.11101368
- Divisions among imperialist powers deepen over conduct of Libyan offensive - WSWS 07.04.11101369
- There is no rule to intervene militarily for humanitarian reasons - Voice of Russia 06.04.11101373
- David Cameron's gift of war and racism, to them and us - John Pilger 06.04.11101374
- Oil, Banks, Water, the United Nations, and America’s Holy Crusade - Dandelion Salad 05.04.11101375
- UN Praised Libya's Human Rights Record. Washington Attempted to Block Release of UNHRC Report - Global Research 05.04.11101376
- Left debates Libya: `This is Washington's war' -- Richard Seymour, 'Angry Arab' & Vijay Prashad on the rebel leadership - Links 04.04.11101381
- Special Report: How Libya is a showcase in the new arms race - Reuters 04.04.11101382
- Richard Falk: Obama's Libyan folly - Al Jazeera 04.04.11101383
- Western countries should abandon illusion of world domination - People's Daily 02.04.11101384
- Rep. Kucinich: Lack of Congressional Approval Could Make Obama’s Libya Attack "Impeachable Offense" - Democracy Now! 01.04.11101462
- Kosova, Libya, and the Question of Intervention - Jadaliyya 01.04.11101464
- Libya military strikes bring warning from former defence chiefs - Guardian 01.04.11101468
- Immanuel Wallerstein: The Great Libyan Distraction - Middle East Online 01.04.11101469
- Mona Salem: Shaken by revolts, Arab states let West deal with Libya - Middle East Online 01.4.11101470
- Defusing another UN timebomb - Middle East Online 31.03.11101471
- Here we go again - LRB 31.03.11101476
- Politics of humanitarian intervention - Al Jazeera 31.03.11101477
- UN Security Council March 17 Meeting to Authorize Bombing of Libya all Smoke and Mirrors - TAZ 30.03.11101478
- Brazil stares down the US on Libya - Al Jazeera 30.03.11101479
- There's no business like war business - Asia Times 30.03.11101484
- Obama Tries, Without Success, to Explain an Undeclared War - Nation 29.03.11101485
- America's Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya - Michel Chossudovsky 30.03.11101486
- Noam Chomsky: On Libya and the Unfolding Crises - ZNet 30.03.11101487
- NATO: Better in Theory than In Practice - Atlantic Council 22.03.11101492
- Assassinating Gaddafi is a step too far - Asia Times 29.03.11101493
- Analysis: Outlines of "Obama doctrine" in sight, details fuzzy - Reuters 29.03.11101494
- 'Obama doctrine'? In Libya decision, there isn't one - McClatchy 28.03.11101495
- United Nations vs. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Humanitarian Intervention or Colonial War - IPO 28.03.11101500
- Ahmed Moor: A war of Western imperialism? - Al Jazeera 28.03.11101501
- The Debate Over U.S. Libya Intervention - CFR 28.03.11101502
- No-fly zone: Clouding words of war - Al-Jazeera 28.03.11101503
- Intervention in Libya at odds with UN resolution - Russia's Lavrov - RIA Novosti 28.03.11101507
- Welcome to the new NATO quagmire - Asia Times 26.03.11101508
- Who is in charge here - Economist 25.03.11101509
- Obama's maddening silence - Guardian 25.03.11101510
- Coalition of eager vs not so eager - Al Jazeera 25.03.11101515
- Gilbert Achcar: Libya: a legitimate and necessary debate from an anti-imperialist perspective - ZNet 25.03.11101516
- The UN Shifts Priority from Peace to People - Spiegel 25.03.11101517
- The Objective of "Humanitarian Bombing" is Death and Destruction - Global Research 25.03.11101518
- Libya and selective US intervention - Reuters 25.03.11101523
- Libya remembers, we forget: these bombs are not the first - Guardian 25.03.11101524
- Scotching the snake - Economist 24.03.11101525
- Attacking Libya and international law - Al-Ahram 24.03.11101526
- The Libya Intervention - Nation 24.03.11101531
- The ghost of Tony Blair - Economist 24.03.11101532
- France plays hawk, Germany demurs. Libya has exposed Europe's fault lines - Guardian 24.03.11101533
- Obama’s Libyan Intervention Has Lowest Approval of Any Military Op Polled by Gallup in 4 Decades - CNSNews 24.03.11101534
- Barack Obama's step from Nobel winner to warrior - BBC 24.03.11101539
- The reluctant warrior - Economist 24.03.11101540
- What is the role of the USS Bataan? - BBC 23.03.11101541
- Libya’s Intervention: A Message To Autocrats in Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia And Syria - News Junkie Post 23.03.11101542