Climate Debt
- Climate Debt Info !80936
- Jubilee Debt Campaign255174
- Environmental Justice Atlas - Climate debt306457
- Global Action for Debt Cancellation306465
- Our World in Data - Who has contributed most to global CO2 emissions?306455
- Debt for climate adaptation: Swap initiative for Caribbean SIDs - Cepal306463
- Climate Bonds Initiative306475
- OECD - Debt-for-environment swaps306464
- World Bank - CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)306472
- @DebtforClimate306386
- #ClimateDebt306387
- #DebtForClimate306388
- Climate debt - Wikipedia255168
- Ecological debt - Wikipedia255186
- List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita - Wikipedia306474
- Who owes who - Climate change, debt, equity and survival - GCI306389
- Video: How We End Climate Imperialism - Our Changing Climate 306470
- Ecological debt: balancing the environmental budget and compensating developing - UNEP306476
- Report: Climate debt, the basis of a fair and effective solution to climate change - UNFCCC255170
- Virtual event: The Climate Debt Crisis - Pro Publica Oct 4, 2022 3:00 pm EDT306460
- Who Should Pay for Climate Disasters? - OtherWords 27.02.25459198
- How global inequalities hinder climate action - Conversation 23.01.25452684
- Climate Apartheid - Jacobin 10.12.24444740
- Should the polluter always pay? - Anthropoce Mag 08.12.24452311
- Helene and Milton Prove It's Time to Make Polluters Pay for Climate Disasters - CD 10.10.24435374
- The debt and climate crises: Why climate justice must include debt justice (pdf) - BOELL 10/22437446
- 'Back With a Bang': Climate Marches Kick Off Worldwide as Global South Seeks Reparations - CD 20.09.24433326
- Caribbean islands hope UN court will end ‘debt cycle’ caused by climate crisis - Guardian 25.08.24429589
- The Guardian view on Hurricane Beryl: the west can’t sit this out - 04.07.24421308
- What America owes the planet - Atlantic 11.06.24418482
- Loss and damage: how the first climate survivors to receive funds are rebuilding their lives in Malawi - Guardian 31.07.24425645
- Global rich must pay more to tackle climate crisis, says architect of Paris deal - Guardian 04.06.24417296
- Climate funding is in short supply. So some want to rework the financial system - NPR 28.11.23386132
- Why rich nations must pour climate funds into Africa – for all our sakes - Guardian 30.08.23369003
- Are climate reparations finally on the way for vulnerable countries? - Al Jazeera 28.08.23369181
- Taxcast: Who owns the climate crisis? - New Int 25.08.23370037
- New report shows that Global North-imposed debt is locking the Global South into fossil fuels - Canary 22.08.23368189
- Poorer countries must be compensated for climate damage. But how exactly do we crunch the numbers? - Conversation 17.08.23366582
- Why the Maldives needs the loss and damage fund - Borgen Project 14.08.23366157
- An inconvenient truth: you can’t sell the green revolution to people who can’t afford it - Guardian 20.07.23360711
- Climate Reparations Won’t Kill Us, but the Heat Will - DN! 20.07.23368761
- Video: Should the developed world pay for climate change? - Al Jazeera 17.07.23359917
- John Kerry Says 'Under No Circumstances' Will US Pay Poor Nations for Climate Damages - CD 14.07.23368633
- Climate Finance Summit Fails to Deliver Critical Results for Vulnerable Countries - Global Citizen 27.06.23356363
- Paris climate finance summit fails to deliver debt forgiveness plan - Guardian 23.06.23357622
- Paris talks to focus on funding poor countries to tackle climate crisis - Guardian 17.06.23353417
- A Climate Finance Goal That Works for Developing Countries - Global Issues 15.06.23352646
- Compensation for atmospheric appropriation - Nature 05.06.23433325
- Global North vision for climate loss and damage fund will further lock Global South into unjust debt crisis - Canary 01.06.23349329
- 90% of extreme weather deaths occurred in the Global South, as Global North dodges accountability - Canary 31.05.23349330
- G7 Owes the Poor $13 Trillion in Unmet Pledges. Meanwhile… - Global Issues 22.05.23347145
- Not Heard of the Bridgetown Initiative? What to Know About the Game-Changing Plan for Climate Finance - Global Citizen 09.05.23358052
- High-Income Nations Are on Track Now to Meet $100 Billion Climate Pledges, but They’re Late - EcoWatch 02.05.23344306
- Vulnerable Countries Need Action on Loss and Damage Today and Not at COPs To Come - Global Issues 14.04.23341362
- The West Agreed to Pay Climate Reparations. That Was the Easy Part - Atlantic 29.03.23338415
- The UN Loss and Damage Fund Transitional Committee Must Deliver for Climate Vulnerable Countries - UCS 27.03.23337797
- I’m a millionaire – this is why I’m at Davos begging to pay more tax - Guardian 19.01.23325769
- Why a new insurance scheme for climate-vulnerable countries is a bad idea - Conversation 16.11.22316109
- Loss and damage: Who is responsible when climate change harms the world’s poorest countries? - Conversation 02.11.22315859
- What Is 'Loss & Damage'? Everything to Know About Funding Climate Change Recovery - Global Citizen 27.10.22312657
- What if polluters footed the climate bill? - BBC 26.10.22314043
- Video: Mary Robinson and Vanessa Nakate on loss and damage - Beyond Declarations 24.10.22314062
- ‘A form of colonialism’: Activists demand climate reparations - Al Jazeera 25.09.22306930
- Barbados PM Mia Mottley Passionately Calls for Debt Relief and Fair Financing to Fight Global Crises - Global Citizen 23.09.22306750
- Danny Chivers reports on the movements making links between international debt and the climate crisis in a bold and imaginative way - New Int 15.08.22300771
- Debt-for-Climate Swaps: Analysis, Design, and Implementation - IMF 12.08.22306459
- Colonialism: why leading climate scientists have finally acknowledged its link with climate change - The Conversation 22.04.22283983
- The Global South does not need debt. We need climate justice - Al Jazeera 11.11.21306466
- For rich countries to honor their climate debt, we must better tax multinationals - CD 10.11.21262092
- Global South Activists Decry 2050 “Net Zero” Goal by Wealthy Nations - Democracy Now! 05.11.21263954
- Climate finance needs to acknowledge the unmitigated debt crisis - SE 02.11.21306462
- Yes it’s expensive, but failing to meet climate challenge will cost a lot more - Guardian 28.10.21264125
- The Climate Debt Keeps Growing - Foreign Affairs 28.10.21306458
- New climate finance delivery plan confirms what we already knew: the $100bn target for 2020 has been missed - Greta Thunberg tw 26.10.21262354
- Analysis: Which countries are historically responsible for climate change? - Carbon Brief 05.10.21306471
- Report: Debt and the climate crisis: a perfect storm - Debt Justice 09/21306468
- UK climate debt contributions: paying for reparations, loss and damage - Green World 23.07.21255177
- Could this revolutionary idea pay our climate change debt and supercharge CO2 reductions? - Forbes 09.07.21255175
- Carbon IOUs? A new plan to make companies pay back their climate debt - Grist 09.07.21255182
- Belize explores debt-for-climate swaps with Commonwealth support - The Commonwealth 02.07.21255183
- Debt for climate swaps - Climate Policy Initiative 10.05.21255180
- How debt-for-climate swaps can help fund the energy transition - Energy Monitor 20.05.21255178
- Climate change and human immunity: invest now or pay more later - STAT 22.04.21242796
- $57 trillion additional climate debt calls for policy action by G20 - Center for Global Development 30.03.21255171
- Most Economists Agree: Benefits of 'Drastic' Climate Action Outweigh Costs of Status Quo - CD 30.03.21250018
- The climate debt the U.S. owes the world - New Yorker 02.12.20255176
- The climate debt - what the west owes the rest - Foreign Affairs 05/20255181
- Rich countries must pay their climate debt - FO Scotland 04.12.19255179
- The cruel irony of climate debt - Climate Forsight 29.10.19255172
- Twenty-five years of adaptation finance through a climate justice lens - Springer Link 29.10.19306454
- Climate change, debt and disasters - Jubilee Debt 12/18306469
- Ecological debt: What is it and why does it matter? - Oxford Climate Society 15.03.18255185
- Which countries are in ecological debt? - WEF 21.08.15255187
- Climate Debt Denial - Dissent, 2013306467
- On the concept of climate debt: Its moral and political value - Research Gate 12/12255173
- On the concept of climate debt: its moral and political value - T&F Online 09.11.12306453
- EUI Working Papers - Ecological debt and historical responsibility revisited - Olivier Godard, 2012306456
- Climate debt as a subversive political strategy - Climate & Capitalism 01.05.10255169
- Does the US Owe a Climate Debt? - Mother Jones 12/0980937
- Climate rage - Rolling Stone 12.11.09255184