- AIC: Depleted Uranium Education Project37655
- Symptoms of Gulf War Illness37656
- Gulf War I Exposure Summary - Doug Rokke *.pdf37657
- Document Reveals Military Was Concerned About Gulf War Vets' Exposure to Depleted Uranium - TruthOut 7/1037658
- Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Pressed to Improve Depleted Uranium Testing - Democracy Now! | 4/0437661
- First award for depleted uranium poisoning claim 2/0437662
- U.S. Nuclear Policy and Depleted Uranium - Traprock Peace Center 28.06.0337663
- British Veteral Kenny Duncan First to Win War Pension Tribunal - Guardian 04.02.0437664
- Data Shows Massive Delayed Gulf War I Casualties - Scoop 21.10.0237665
- May 2002 Gulf War Veterans Information *.pdf37666
- Uranium 'Threat' to Gulf Veterans - BBC 9/0037668
- Depleted Uranium: Agent Orange of the 90's - Another Pentagon Coverup (Archive 2000)37669
- Gulf War syndrome: an emerging threat or a piece of history? - NIH 27.11.0837670
- Contamination of Persian Gulf War Veterans and Others by Depleted Uranium - Leonard A. Dietz: 7/96 (Archive)37671
- Congressman blasts DoD on Gulf War Illness study - Rep. Jack Metcalf (Archive)37672
- The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons - NY Times 14.10.1437673
- Gulf War Syndrome, The Sequel 'People Are Sick Over There Already' - Traprock Peace37674
- Guts, Brains and Gulf Veterans 4/0037675
- Metal of Dishonor (Book Review)37676
- Depleted Uranium - NPR Audio37677
- A soldier's experience - BBC 6/9937678
- Ray Bristow - a former soldier reports37679
- Thoughts of Ray Bristow, the first British Gulf War Veteran to be tested for, and found to be poisoned with depleted uranium37680
- Trail of a Bullet: the depleted uranium issue - CS Monitor 10/9937681
- Outbreak of Gulf War Syndrome *.pdf37682
- Troops Lack Protective Gear, Say Lawmakers - UCLA 30.11.0237685
- Gulf war depleted uranium risks - NIH 14.02.0737686
- Gulf War Syndrome Hearings (pdf) 37687
- The Gulf War Syndrome - A Parallel to Chernobyl, Prof. S. Horst-Günther 199537689
- The War Against Ourselves: An Interview with Major Doug Rokke - Depleted Uranium Weapons Consequences37690
- A Treatise on Military Weapons Containing the Radioactive Material: Depleted Uranium (Schott, Lopez, LaForge)37691
- How DU Shell Residues Poison Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia - Prof. Dr. Siegwart-Horst Guenther37692
- Depleted Uranium. A post-war disaster for environment and health - Laka 05/9937693
- Sixty Minutes Puts Dangers of Depleted Uranium Back in the News 1/0037694
- The Pentagon's Radioactive Bullet - The Nation 9637695
- Military Toxics Project: Radioactive Battlefields of the 1990s (US Army) (Archive)37697
- Helen Caldicott on Depleted Uranium - Traprock Peace 06.10.0237698
- Testimony of Montra Denise Nichols 8/00 (Archive)37699
- Gulf War Syndrome 4/0037701
- War on Iraq: Punished For Reporting Gulf War Deaths - AlterNet 1/03 (Archive)37702
- Chromosome aberration analysis in peripheral lymphocytes of Gulf War and Balkans War veterans37703
- Two People Arrested Distributing Depleted Uranium Education Leaflets at Davis Monthan AFB Airshow37704
- Six Inspectors arrested after Airforce refuses mission to seek out Depleted Uranium Weapons at Davis Monthan AFB - A-Infos 3/9837705
- Depleted Uranium International Conference: Final Declaration 11/0037706
- FOIA Document shows Navy has been aware problems associated with DU since 198437707
- Depleted uranium: New discoveries - Pravda 5/01 (Archive)37708
- Depleted Uranium: Dead Children, Sick Soldiers37709
- Gulf War Illness Update (squalene)37710
- What is Depleted Uranium? (Sheffield)37711
- Depleted Uranium Hazard: Concerns about DU (Archive 2000)37713
- Gulfsyndromet37714