National - NGOs
- Peace Direct ! (UK)
- 15672
- London Campaign Against Armstrade
- 15673
- Countering the Militarisation of Youth
- 15674
- Veterans for Peace UK
- 15675
- Peace Pledge Union (PPU)
- 15676
- War Resisters' International
- 15677
- We Are Change UK
- 15678
- We Are Change UK - YouTube
- 15679
- Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)
- 15680
- Friends of the Earth - FoE (UK)
- 15681
- Trident Ploughshares
- 15682
- Scrap Trident - Scotland
- 15683
- Scrap Trident - Scotland - facebook
- 15684
- Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
- 15685
- Voices for Creative Non-Violence - Britain
- 15686
- Peacebuilding UK
- 15687
- Global Day of Action on Military Spending UK - Britain
- 15688
- Amnesty International - British Section
- 15689
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
- 15690
- Rebell Clown Army
- 15691
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) !
- 15692
- CND Cymru - Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- 15693
- Peace Jam UK
- 15694
- Pax Christi UK
- 15695
- Peace Brigades International - PBI Britain
- 15696
- Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp(aign)
- 15697
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- 15699
- Volunteer Action for Peace - VAP
- 15700
- National Committee of 100: London Committee Archives - International Institute of Social History (IISH)
- 15701
- Committee of 100 (UK) - Wikipedia
- 15702
- Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) - UK
- 15703
- Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC)
- 15704
- Indymedia UK
- 15705
- Oxford Research Group
- 15706
- School Students Against War
- 15707
- Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
- 15708
- Voices in the Wilderness UK
- 15709
- Iraq Occupation Focus (UK)
- 15710
- Impeach Prime Minister Tony Blair for misleading Parliament and the British people (Archive 2008)
- 15711
- Reclaim the Bases - Stop the War Machine
- 15712
- Justice not Vengeance - No War on Iraq (UK)
- 15713
- Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) !
- 15714
- Artists Against the War
- 15715
- Action on Armed Violence - London
- 15716
- Medical Action for Global Security (MEDACT)
- 15717
- Antimilitarist Network - Britain
- 15718
- Greenpeace - Active Supporters
- 15719
- Conscientious objection information for members of the Bristish Armed Forces - PPU CO Project
- 15720
- Information for members of the UK armed forces - WRI 7/03
- 15721
- Peace Brigades International, UK
- 15722
- National Justice and Peace Network
- 15723
- Isreali Committee Against House Demolitions UK (ICAHD UK)
- 15724
- Radical Activist Network
- 15725
- Abolition 2000 UK
- 15726
- The Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) seeks to monitor public order, protest and community policing that is excessive, discriminatory or threatens civil rights.
- 15727
- SOAS - Stop the War (UK) (Archive 2004)
- 15728
- Women in Black UK
- 15729
- Peaceworkers UK (Archive 2008)
- 15730
- Living under Drones - Stanford International Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinic
- 15732
- Action for Children in Conflict
- 15734
- Northern Friends Peace Board
- 15735
- Conscience - the peace tax campaign
- 15736
- Movement for the Abolition of War - a civil society movement to abolish war
- 15737
- Culture of Peace Committee (Archive 2002)
- 15739
- National Gulf War Resource Center
- 15740
- The National Gulf War Resource Center (Archive 2006)
- 15741
- Alternatives to Violence Project Britain
- 15742
- Drone Wars - Britain
- 15743
- United Nations Association UK
- 15745
- Pugwash - Conferences on science and world affairs - British Group
- 15746
- The Gandhi Foundation
- 15748
- The Gandhi Foundation (UK) - Twitter
- 15749
- responding to conflict - rtc - Birmingham
- 15750
- Peace Not War - Peace Jukebox
- 15751
- Peace Not War
- 15752
- Our World Our Say - Acting for Democracy
- 15753
- The Woodcraft Folk
- 15754
- learn peace (PPU)
- 15755
- Medact - IPPNW Britain - London
- 15757
- National Secular Society - United Kingdom
- 15758
- Direct Action Against War - DAAW (UK)
- 15759
- Resist Militarism
- 15760
- Remember the animal victims of war - Purple Poppy
- 15761
- MAW - The Movement for the Abolition of War - Twitter
- 194339
- Anglican Pacifists - Twitter
- 194340
- Child Soldiers International
- 15762
- Conciliation Resources - London
- 15763
- Wool Against Weapons - Aldermaston-Burghfield 7 miles
- 15764
- Ethiopian Institute for Nonviolence Education and Peace Studies - London contact
- 15765
- Nato Watch - Britain
- 15766
- Faslane Peace Camp
- 15767
- Defend the Right to Protest
- 15768
- Peace matters - info Peace Pledge Union
- 15769
- Servas Britain - it's a different way to explore the world
- 15770
- CND (UK)