Journals, Magazines & Books
- Eat the State ! -- Seattle's shamelessly biased progressive political journal, activist newspaper, and environmental scandal sheet180983
- AlterNet180986
- ZMagazine - a political monthly180987
- Progressive Magazine on Twitter180990
- The MoJo Wire - Interactive Exposés and Politics for Progressive Change180991
- World Socialist Movement180994
- International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS)180995
- Liberal International180998
- The Progressive - peace & social justice180999
- Liberty For the People (Anarchism) !181002
- Pluto Press (UK) - independent progressive publishing181003
- Pluto Press - Wikipedia181006
- Verso Books - radical publishing181007
- A-Infos: Anarchist News Service181010
- Mobilization Quarterly181011
- Open Government Partnership181014
- The radical 20th century - New Internationalist181015
- Resistance! - Australia181018
- The Anarchist Thought of Rudolf Rocker181019
- World Citizen Foundation (Archive 2007)181022
- Subversion (Archive)181023
- Books on Left-Green Politics - EmpowermentBooks181027
- Book: The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists - Wikipedia238736
- Spokesman books250863
- The most formative political book of my life was The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - @TheCaveMugsboro 04.03.21238739
- Book: Digital Demagogue Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter - Fuchs, C 02/18181030
- Book: The European Left in times of crises: Lessons from Greece - Transnational Institute 09.11.17181033
- Book: Out of the Wreckage: a new politics for an age of crisis - Monbiot.G 09/17181034
- Book: Optimism Over Despair: Noam Chomsky On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change, 08/17181037
- Book: A Chronicle of Crisis: 2011 – 2016 - Bauman, Z, 28.06.17181038
- Book: Futurability: The Age of Impotence and the Horizon of Possibility - Amazon 19.03.19181041
- Book: Creating Freedom: Power, control and the fight for our future – Martinez.R 16181042
- Book: Politics in a Time of Crisis: Podemos and the Future of Democracy in Europe- Pablo Iglesias 10/15181045
- Book: The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public Vs. Private Sector Myths - Mazzucato, M 15181046