- Institute for One World Links182904
- Sarah Boseley's Global Health Blog - Guardian182905
- Long-term antibiotic use by middle-aged women may affect cognitive function – new study - Conversation 25.03.22280653
- The U.N. Takes Aim At A 'Silent Epidemic' — Drowning - npr 30.04.21243385
- Leprosy (Hansen’s disease): interrupting transmission and achieving zero autochthonous cases - WHO 26.04.21242265
- New swine flu with pandemic potential identified by China researchers - The Guardian 30.06.20211567
- If TB elimination progress continues at current rate, 28m will die by 2030 at a global economic cost of $983b; - IDSA on Twitter 05.02.20198816
- Experts warn world ‘grossly unprepared’ for future pandemics - Guardian 18.09.19189639
- Crippling Dominance of Big Pharma, Indian Judge Blocks Bayer's Drug Monopoly Bid 12/14182906
- Counterfeit medicine from Asia threatens lives in Africa - BBC 12/12182907