- Southern Poverty Law Center (USA)169240
- Issue Lab (USA)169241
- EdChange (USA)169242
- Alliance for Justice - AFJ (USA)169246
- IFCO / Pastors for Peace (USA) - Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization169247
- Community Conferencing Center (USA)169250
- Urban Peace Movement (USA)169251
- Resources for Organizing and Social Change (USA)169252
- Chicago Teachers for Social Justice (USA)169256
- Reclaim Chicago169257
- Discovering Justice (USA)169258
- Kairos Canada169261
- Community Justice Initiatives - Canada169265
- Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation (Canada)169266
- Centre for Social Justice169267
- Catholic Worker Movement - Wikipedia169271
- SojoNet - articulating the biblical call to social justice169272
- Ruckus Society - multi-racial network of trainersfor ecological justice and social change210453
- Social justice organizations - Wikipedia210454
- Catalyst Project - to build powerful multiracial movements210455
- Center for Economic and Social Justice - to advance liberty and justice for every person 210456
- NEA EdJustice - social and economic justice in public education210457
- PeoplesHub - trainings and workshops to build community power210458
- Social Justice Organizations - Start Guide210459
- Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)210460
- Black-led Organizations - SURJ210461
- Festivales Solidarios (Guatemala)210462
- Whites for Racial Equity210463
- Organizations - Racial Equity Resource Guide 210464
- Nim Ajpu - AsociaciĆ³n de Abogados Mayas (Guatemala)210465
- CuirpoƩtikas (Guatemala)210466
- Centro de Voluntariado Guatemalteco210467
- Social Justice Committee of Montreal - Canada458079