General Info
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation - Circular Economy161309
- The Circular Economy 100161310
- What is the Circular Economy? - Pressenza 27.05.20208416
- Briefing: Walking the Circle: the 4 guiding pillars for a Circular Economy - Friends of the Earth161313
- TED Talk: Ellen MacArthur - The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world161314
- See our YOUTUBE PLAYLIST on the Circular Economy161317
- More prosperity, new jobs: Manifesto on Circular Economy Policy in the EU161318
- Resource - The Leading Event for the Circular Economy161322
- Circular Economy Toolkit161323
- The Futures Centre - Circular Economy Trend Card161328
- Re-thinking progress: The circular economy - Ted Ed161332
- 10 things you need to know about the circular economy - Guardian161333
- How to bust the biggest myths about the circular economy - Guardian 161336
- How can your industry contribute to the circular economy? - interactive - Guardian 161337
- The Circular Economy Business Model Toolkit (Forum for the Future)161340
- European Commission Fact Sheet - Circular Economy Package: Questions & Answers161341
- Wikipedia - Circular Economy161344
- Wikipedia - Cradle to Cradle Design161345
- Wikipedia - Industrial Ecology161349
- Wikipedia - Upcycling161350
- Wikipedia - Downcycling161354
- Wikipedia - Cradle-to-cradle design363904
- What Is Cradle to Cradle? Principles, Design, and Certification - TreeHugger 31.10.21363906
- Circular Economy e-Learning Programme (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)161355
- MOOC (free online course): Circular Economy: an introduction - TU Delft161359
- MOOC: Wheels of Metals: Urban Mining for a Circular Economy 161360
- Innovation, Enterprise and the Circular Economy, MBA (University of Bradford)161364
- UCL Short Course: Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): from Theory to Practical Application161365
- Book: Building Revolutions: Applying the Circular Economy to the Built Environment (David Cheshire, 2016)161369
- Book: Waste to Wealth: The Circular Economy Advantage (Peter Lacy & Jakob Rutqvist, 2015)161374
- Book: The Circular Economy - A Wealth of Flows (Ken Webster, 2015)161375
- Book: The Guide to the Circular Economy: Capturing Value and Managing Material Risk (Dustin Benton etc, 2015)161379
- Book: Products That Last - product design for circular business models ( C.A. Bakker et al, 2014)161380
- Book: A New Dynamic: effective business in a circular economy (Amory Lovins & Michael Braungart, 2014)161384
- Book: The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability--Designing for Abundance (William McDonough & Michael Braungart, 2013)161385
- Book: From Agriculture to Agricology: Towards a Glocal Circular Economy (Dani Wadada Nabudere 2013)161389
- Book: Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (Michael Braungart & William McDonough, 2002)161390
- Presentation: Trend report: The Circular Economy 06/14161395
- Documentary: Waste = Food161399
- Manifesto for a Resource Efficient Europe - European Commission Memo (2012)161400
- Moving towards a circular economy - European Commission161404
- Roadmap for the EC's Circular Economy Strategy161405
- US Chamber of Commerce Conference (videos on demand): The Circular Economy: Unleashing New Business Value161409