National NGO Networks
- Austria: Südwind - en, ger, fr, esp154440
- Bangladesh : Federation of NGOs in Bangladesh - 154441
- Belgium: NGO Federatie - Brussels - flemish154445
- Belgium: CNSD 11.11.11 - Brussels - fr, ger154446
- Belgium: ACODEV - Fédération des ONG de coopération au développement - fr154447
- Belgium : 11.11.11 the coalition of NGOs, unions, movements and various solidarity groups in Flanders154451
- Britain: BOND - for international development154452
- Cambodia : NGO Forum on Cambodia - Pnom Penh154453
- Denmark : Concord - dan, eng154457
- France: Coordination SUD - Solidarité Urgence Developpement - Coordination nationale francaise de solidarité international - Paris154459
- Germany : VENRO is the umbrella organisation of development non-governmental organisations - eng, ger154463
- Indonesia: International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development - eng, ind154464
- Ireland: Dochas - The Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organisations 154465
- Japan : JANIC - Japan NGO Center for international coooperation - eng, jap154469
- Korea NGO Council for overseas development cooperation - Sphere Standards 154470
- Luxembourg : Cercle de Cooperation des ONG de developement154471
- Netherlands: A SEED Europe - Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development154475
- Nepal : NGO Federation of Nepal154476
- Senegal : CONGAD - Conseil des Organisations Non Governmentales d'Appui de Developpement - Dakar - fr154477
- Sweden : Forum Syd - swe, eng154482
- Switzerland: Alliance Sud - eng, ger, fr, it154483
- One Campaign - Wikipedia223898
- ARCS Arci Culture Solidali453027
- ASAL Humanitarian Network453030