Papers / Reports on Aid Effectiveness
- Ghanaian children wrongly taken in raids backed by US charity IJM - BBC 10.07.23358503
- Time to Decolonise Aid - Peace Direct 10.05.21243487
- Implementing the Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness - UNDP, 2011143129
- Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness: Civil Society Perspectives on Progress since Paris - Reality of Aid 2011143130
- Aid effectiveness through the recipient lens - ODI Briefing Paper, 11/09143131
- Building the global governance of aid - FRIDE 8/08143135
- Synthesis Report on the First Phase of the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark 7/08143136
- Aid effectiveness after Accra: How to reform the ‘Paris agenda’ - ODI Briefing Papers 7/08 143137
- Towards a strengthened framework for aid effectiveness - UN ECOSOC 4/08143141
- Evaluation of the implementation of the Paris Declaration - IDL Group, 2008143142
- The politics of poverty: Aid in the new Cold War - Christian Aid 2004143143