NO TTIP - Campaigns international
- Stop TTIP Alliance - European Initiative against TTIP and CETA148571
- Stop TTIP Alliance Europe - facebook148572
- Stop TTIP-TAFTA Europe - Facebook148573
- TTIP Free Zones Europe148574
- Who will say no to ISDS in TTIP? Ask your MEPs to support amendment 27 against ISDS in TTIP.148575
- EU Investment Policy: Looking behind closed doors - Germany - eng, fr148576
- Stop TAFTA Wiki & Website Directory (English, Spanish, German, Italian & French)148577
- Corporate Europe Observatory: Stop the TTIP148579
- The rising global movement that calls for #noTTIP - Sharing 15.07.14148580
- - Say No to Corporate Power Grabs: Reject the TTIP148581
- TTIP Game Over - Stop TTIP / TAFTA148583
- - TTIP148584
- Tell negotiators: Don't undermine progress on toxic chemicals! - CIEL148585
- University & College Union UK - Campaigning on the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership148586
- info guerre - Centre de réflexion sur la guerre économique - France148587
- WAATT - World Alliance Against TPP & TTIP (TAFTA) - facebook148588
- Transnational : TTIP Game Over - eng, fr, nl148589
- TTIP GAME OVER - facebook148590
- Austria : TTIP stoppen - Transatlantische Partnerschaft sieht anders aus 148591
- Austria : TTIP - Aktionsbündnis - Österreich - facebook148592
- Austria : Initiativplattform TTIP stoppen OÖ148593
- Austria : TTIP - Sagen Sie NEIN zum Freihandelsabkommen! - greenpeace148594
- Austria : Volksbegehren GEMEINSAM gegen TTIP CETA TISA - 23. bis 30. Jänner 2017148595
- Austria : Bauern & Bäuerinnen gegen TTIP148596
- KMU gegen TTIP148597
- Bask Country : Stop TAFTA 148598
- Belgium : Alliance D19-20 - Belgium148599
- Belgium : Stop TTIP & CETA148600
- Belgium : Stop TTIP & CETA - facebook148601
- Belgium : No Transat! - Belgium148602
- Belgium : NO TTIP / STOP TAFTA Belgium - facebook148603
- Britain : War on Want - TTIP 148604
- Britain : (UK)148605
- Britain : Occupy Working Group - Stop the TTIP148606
- Britain : Occupy Working Group Against the TTIP - Facebook Group148607
- Stop TTIP UK - facebook148608
- Britain : Trade Justice Movement 148609
- Britain : Business Against TTIP148610
- Britain : Campaign Against Climate Change - Stop the TTIP148611
- Britain : No TTIP - No corporate takeover of democracy 148612
- Britain : Global Justice Now - on trade deals148613
- Britain : 5 reasons to take action against TTIP on Saturday (Oct 11th 2014) - Red Pepper148614
- Britain : Search: TTIP - 38 Degrees148615
- Britain : Petition: Keep NHS health service provision fully exempt from US/EU free trade agreement - 38 Degrees148616
- Britain : Closed Petition : Say no TTIP - 38 Degrees148617
- Bulgaria : Stop TTIP148618
- Catalunya : No al TTIP - twitter148619
- Croatia : .zaustavimo TTIP148620
- Czechia : v TTIP148621
- Danmark : Stop TTIP148622
- France : Stop TAFTA - Non au grand marché transatlantique 148623
- France : map of local collectives Stop TAFTA148625
- France : Non Au Traite Transatlantique148626
- Germany : TTIP Unfair Handelbar 148627
- Germany : Bündnis Münster gegen TTIP148628
- Germany : Attac - TTIP 148629
- Attac TTIP - Facebook148630
- Germany : correct!v - TTIP the Deal - eng, ger148631
- Germany : KMU Gegen TTIP 148632
- The Political Power of Evoking Fear: The Shining Example of Germany's Anti-ttip Campaign Movement - SAGE Journals 01.12.16148633
- Germany : Know TTIP 148634
- Germany : No TTIP 148635
- Germany : TTIP Leak EU 148636
- Germany : Petition: TTIP - Our future is not for sale! - campact ! 148637
- Ireland : No TTIP148638
- Ireland : TTIP Information Network - facebook148639
- Italy : Campagna Stop TTIP 148640
- Stop TTIP Italia - Facebook148641
- Luxembourg : Stop TAFTA148642
- Netherlands : Stop TTIP148643
- Netherlands : TTIP CETA Referendum 2016148644
- Netherlands: Burgerinitiatief Wageningen TTIP-vrij - facebook148645
- Netherlands : Dossier TTIP - milieudefensie148646
- Portugal : Não à Parceria Transatlântica de Comércio e Investimento (TTIP) 148647
- Portugal : Stop TTIP - Não ao TTIP148648
- Sweden : Stoppa TTIP148649
- Sweden : Stoppa TTIP - facebook148650
- Spain : No al TTIP 148651
- No al TTIP - Facebook148652
- Europe : Seattle to Brussels Network148653
- USA : Citizens Trade Campaign 148654
- USA : Public Citizen - TAFTA148655
- USA - Popular Resistance - on: TTIP 148656
- TTIP - Beware What Lies Beneath - Green/EFA Group of the European Parliament148657
- No TTIP: 'Dirty Deal Showder' launch 9/15148658
- Stop TTIP-CETA-TISA Europe (11th Oct Day of Action 2014 Homepage)148659
- No TTIP Day of Action (UK) - 11th Oct 2014148660
- Alternative Trade Mandate148661
- Alter Summit148662
- Politics for People148663
- International Day of Action - Okt 2015148664
- TTIP Day of Acton Materials 2014 - 38 Degrees148666
- Patagonia - Outdoor Trekking To Explore Climb (pdf) - Final Site148667