Other Countries
- United Movement of Mongolian Rivers and Lakes - Mongolia - facebook180064
- FoE - The Haburas Foundation/ Friends of the Earth - Timor Leste 180065
- FoE - Center for Environmental Justice/Friends of the Earth - Sri Lanka 180069
- FoE - The Legal Rights & Natural Resources Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan / Friends of the Earth - Philippines 180070
- FoE - Pro Public / Friends of the Earth - Nepal 180073
- WALHI - Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia - Friends of the Earth - Indonesia180074
- Climate Action Network South Asia - Bangladesh180077
- Burma Rivers Network180078
- N1M - facebook - Cambodia180081
- N1M is an environmental defenders campaign network - Cambodia180082
- Walhi - Indonesia180085
- TERRA - Towards Ecological Recovery and Regional Alliance - Thailand180086
- Mlup Baitong - Cambodia180089
- SLYCAN Trust453979
- Institute of Himalayan Risk Reduction (IHRR)455173