Graeme Dunstan (Australia)
- Twitter - #StandByGraemeD131588
- Twitter - Culley (court trial report)131589
- SUPPORT the Rockhampton Tiger Ploughshares (Archive)131590
- Peace Convergence - Ploughshares TRIAL131591
- Stand By Graeme Dunstan #StandbyGraemeD - YouTube131592
- Rockhampton Tiger Ploughshare Statement by the Rev. Simon Moyle 19 August 2013 131593
- IndyMedia - Graeme Dunstan on Trial for Disarming Helicopter Gunship, Rockhampton, Australia131594
- Rockhampton Tiger Ploughshare trial begins Monday 19 August with widespread support for the accused - Media Release131595
- Peace Convergence - YouTube Channel131596
- Peace Convergence - Twitter131597
- PEACEBUS - putting war on trial131598
- Putting War on Trial - Flyer *.pdf131599
- About PeaceBus131600
- Twitter - Graeme Dunstan131601
- Margaret Pestorius - Twitter131602
- Rockhampton District Court131603
- PeaceBus - Graeme131604
- Green Left Weekly131605
- Daily Mercury131606
- Morning Bulletin131607
- Google News131608
- Wikipedia131609
- YouTube131610
- Graeme - Writings131611
- Graeme - Curriculum Vitae131612
- On the way to court - pic131613
- Put the helicopter gunship on trial - pic131614
- Out the front of the Courthouse - pic131615
- Free Graeme Dunstan - pic131616
- Rocky Tiger Ploughshares - Action - YouTube (2011)131617
- Activist avoids jail for helicopter attack - Australian 8/13131618
- Judge indicates no jail time sentence for peace activist - Bulletin 8/13131619
- Activist Graeme Dunstan found guilty of army helicopter attack at Rockhampton - ABC News 8/13131620
- Daily Mercury - Rockhampton District Court131621
- Jury shown footage of US helicopter blowing up Iraqis - Daily Mercury 8/13131622
- Mattock ‘smashed’ Australian military helicopter in 2011 - The Bulletin 8/13131623
- Two Helicopter Gunships; Two Stories of Compassion and Resistance; Two Trials.131624
- Australian who took action to stop another Collateral Murder faces trial in Rockhampton, Aus. 19th August 2013131625
- Talisman Saber protester Dunstan fined just under $1000 - Bulletin 7/13131626
- Australian Graeme Dunstan on trial 19th August - WISE Up Action131627
- Peace activist disarms helicopter Rockhampton airport - WIN News 7/11131628
- Graeme Dunstan - CIB interview (YouTube)131629
- Graeme Dunstan - YouTube131630
- Google Images131631
- Graeme - Images131632
- #PeaceBus - Twitter131633
- Simon Moyle - Twitter131634
- Peace Pilgrim - Twitter131635
- Donna Mulhearn - Twitter131636
- Ciaron O'Reilly (UK) - Twitter131637
- Exercise Talisman Saber - Wikipedia131638
- Rolling coverage on Talisman Saber exercise at The Bulletin 7/13131639
- Talisman Saber 2013 (official)131640
- Talisman Sabre 2011 (official)131641
- Time & Date - Brisbane131642