National Groups
- Amnesty Canada126820
- Human Rights Watch - Toronto126821
- Canadian Coalition Against Death Penalty (CCADP)126822
- Ligue des Droits - Montreal126823
- The Council of Canadians126824
- Human Rights Internet (HRI) - Canada126825
- Right on Canada - Ottawa126826
- Canadian Museum for Human Rights - Winnipeg126827
- Development and Peace - Caritas Canada453591
- Pathways International453946
- SecDev Foundation453989
- Lawyers Witout Borders Canada457989
- B.C. Aboriginal Network on Disability Society457990
- International Bureau for Children's Rights457991
- Campaign Life Coalition457992
- Children's Care International457993
- Canadian Council for Refugees457994
- Canadian Federation of University Women457995
- ARCH Disability Law Centre457996
- Arctic Athabaskan Council457997
- Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights457998
- Assembly of First Nations - National Indian Brotherhood457999
- Canadian Arab Women Association458000
- Canadian Centre on Disability Studies458001
- Association for Women's Rights in Development458002
- Can-Go Afar Foundation458003
- Canadian Association for Rights and Truth 'En Vero'458004
- Association Femmes Africaines Francophones458005
- Council of Canadians with Disabilities458057
- Canadian Women's Foundation 458058
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace458059
- Congress of Aboriginal Peoples458060
- Christian Legal Fellowship458061
- Chin Human Rights Organization458062
- Centre for Newcomers - Calgary458063
- Centre for Health, Science and Law458064
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women458065
- Quebec Native Women458066
- Equitas International Centre for Human Rights Education458067
- Canadian Labour Congress458068
- First Nations Summit458069
- Ekens Foundation International458070
- Fondation Dr Julien458071
- Stephen Lewis Foundation458072
- Southern Africa Embrace Foundation458073
- South Asian Legal Clinic (Ontario)458074
- Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada458075
- Justice for Girls Outreach Society (JFG)458094
- Rainbow Railroad458095
- Maawandoon - Bringing People Together458096
- Learning for a Sustainable Future458097
- National Council of Women of Canada458098
- National Association of Friendship Centres458099
- Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic (CSALC)458111
- Metis National Council458112
- Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak458113
- FADOQ Network458114
- Indigenous Survival International458165
- Indigenous Cultural Centre458166
- Grand Council of the Crees - Eeyou Istchee458167
- Human Rights Internet (HRI)458168
- Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa458169
- Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants - OCASI 458170
- Partnership Africa Canada458171
- Quebec Women's Federation458172
- NunatuKavut Community Council458201
- Indigenous Advanced Education and Skills Council458202
- Nishnawbe Aski Nation458203
- Native Women's Association of Canada458204
- Inclusion Canada458205
- Tsilhqot’in National Government458250
- Women's Health in Women's Hands458251
- Under The Same Sun Fund458252
- The RINJ Foundation458253
- Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs458254
- United Nations Association in Canada458255
- WACC Global458256
- Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR)458257