Sima Samar (Afghanistan)
- Dr. Sima SAMAR - Right Livelihood Award 2012126457
- SHUHADA Organization (SO)126459
- Gawharshad Institute of Higher Education 126460
- Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission126461
- Support to the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) - USAID 126462
- Wikipedia126463
- Google News126464
- YouTube126465
- Bing Video126466
- Sima Samar: “Collective failure” allowed for Taliban takeover - RLA 22.11.22322069
- Sima Samar continues her work on women’s rights despite harrowing conditions under Taliban rule - RLA 10.11.22322068
- Sima Samar: “Acts of genocide” are committed against Hazara community in Afghanistan - RLA 26.10.22315757
- Alternative Nobel Prize to Hazara Human Rights Activist Sima Samar - Kabul Press 9/12126468
- Afghan burka opponent Sima Samar wins Swedish rights prize - Indian Express 9/12126469
- Another Blow to Justice: Three Commissioners Fired from the AIHRC - AAN 23.12.11126470
- No checks on local police force: AIHRC - Pajhwok 5/12126471
- Samar opposes peace talks with HIA - Pajhwok 2/11126472
- Analysis: In pursuit of justice in Afghanistan - IRIN 11/10126473
- Nobel Peace Prize: Not Sima, Again - AAN 07.10.11126474
- No Nobel Price (Yet) for Sima Samar - AAN 08.10.10126475
- Ms. Sima Samar - Order of Canada Honorary Officer of the Order of Canada - GGC 25.05.09126478
- Feminists Yanar Mohammed of Iraq and Dr. Sima Samar of Afghanistan on the Dire Situation for Women Under U.S. Occupation and Rising Fundamentalism - Democracy Now! 5/07126481
- The Fragile Future of Afghanistan: Human Rights, Justice, and Security - Boston University 10/06126482
- Sima Samar on Future of Afghanistan - Boston University 10/06126483
- Leading Afghan Woman Receives Prestigious Health and Human Rights Award - Ms Magazine 6/04126485
- Afghanistan Human Rights Activist Wins 2004 Jonathan Mann Award - Kabul Press 5/04126486
- Overview on Ramon Magsaysay Award Winners from India - UNAcademy126487
- Perdita Huston Human Rights Award 2003126488
- The U.S. and U.N. Refuse to Provide Protection for Witnesses of Massacres: Dr. Sima Samar, Chair of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission - Democracy Now! 6/03126489
- Interview with the head of Human Rights Commission - IRIN 9/02126490
- Interview with Sima Samar, Minister of Women's Affairs - IRIN 1/02126491
- Google Search126492
- Google Images126493
- Time & Date - Kabul126494