- AVAAZ112678
- AVAAZ is hiring!112679
- NGO Monitor112683
- Wo avaaz klopft steht der Krieg vor der Tür - Barth-Engelbart 2/12112684
- Avaaz: Activism or 'Slacktivism'? - The Guardian 20.07.11112685
- The Avaaz behind Jan Lokpal Bill jams fax lines - Economic Times 12/11112689
- Avaaz founder Ricken Patel: The man who gives you your voice - Economic Times 9/11112690
- Avaaz: activism or 'slacktivism'? - Guardian 7/11112691
- The EU Directive, Avaaz and the myth of the Mama & Papa herbalists - Quackdown 5/11112692
- Avaaz Campaign : To be First or To get it Right? - Chinan 4/11112696
- Kevin Libin: The third party no one talks about - National Post 9/10112697
- Sun TV vs. Avaaz and Atwood: who’s the real hate-monger? - backofthebook 9/10112698
- Soros funded group Avaaz.org is fudging “signatures” on their online petition to stop Sun-TV in Canada - Moose and Squirrel 9/10112699
- Ricken Patel - BBC 10/07112703