Arms Conversion
- BICC - Bonn International Center for Conversion109298
- Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) - Canada109300
- Arms Conversion in the UK - Scientists for Global Responsibility109301
- Arms Conversion - a time to act (Northern Friends Peace Board)109302
- Economic Conversion - Wikipedia109303
- Amazon Books109304
- YouTube109305
- Google News109306
- Google Images109307
- Report: Making Arms, Wasting Skills - Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK) 4/08 .pdf109308
- Conversion of Arms Industries - Swords into Ploughshares? 3/00 *.pdf (Archive)109309
- Book: Conversion: opportunities for development and environment – Brunn.A et al (ed.) 92109311
- Book: Making peace possible – the promise of economic conversion – L.J Dumas & M. Thee 89109312