James Hansen (USA)
- Google News68661
- YouTube68662
- Amazon Books68663
- Common Dreams68664
- NY Times68666
- Guardian68667
- James Hansen - Wikipedia68668
- Dr. James E. Hansen - Columbia University68669
- Dr. James E. Hansen - Director of GISS (now retired)68670
- Goddard Institute for Space Studies - GISS68671
- Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity 12/10 (amazon)68672
- What's climate scientist James Hansen's legacy? - Guardian 5/1368673
- Tar sands exploitation would mean game over for climate, warns leading scientist - Guardian 5/1368674
- Global warming has not stalled, insists world's best-known climate scientist - Guardian 5/1368675
- Coal-fired power stations are death factories. Close them - Guardian 2/0968676
- Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming - DemocracyNow! 3/0868677
- Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming 12/07 (amazon)68678
- The Shadow on American Democracy 1/08 *.pdf68679
- Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him - NYT 1/0668681
- Heinz Award in the Environment68682
- Google Images68683
- Google Books68684