General Information
- Amnesty International (ai) - Country Profile61555
- Amnesty USA197925
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)197926
- World Freedom Day (United States) - Wikipedia 315803
- Freedom House - Country Profile197927
- Human Rights Watch (HRW) - Country Profile197931
- IFEX - Freedom of Expression197932
- Human Rights Campaign - Local208049
- International Crisis Group197933
- Reporters Without Borders - RSF197934
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)197935
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR 197937
- UNICEF - United States Of America197938
- UNICEF - Country Statistics197939
- @humanrights1st - Human Rights First 207273
- @america_vest - Twitter200729
- House passes historic marriage equality bill - ABC 08.12.22319857
- "10 Ways America Has Come to Resemble a Banana Republic?" - Salon 9/1361564
- Amazon Book - Violence in America: An Encyclopedia (1999)61560
- American Human Rights Reporting as a Global Watchdog61550
- Amnesty International: Music for Human Rights - All Music61566
- Corporate Coup in the U.S. under Rosevelt in 1934 - YouTube61563
- HR Policy Reports - HRW61559
- Human Rights in the United States - Free Dictionary61558
- "Human Rights 'Suffer in Terror Crackdown'" - BBC 5/0261553
- Justice Not Revenge: 11 September Crisis - Amnesty International (Archive 2003)61551
- People’s Law Office61556
- The Unites States and 'Challenge of Relativity' - Noam Chomsky 11/9861557
- YouTube - HR + United States197942
- Google Search - HR + United States197943
- Google Scholar - HR + United States197946
- Google Books - HR + United States197944
- Amazon Books - HR + United States197947
- Human Rights in United States - Wikipedia197948
- Time & Date - Washington, D.C. , United States197949