Tools for Peace
- Peace Resource Center for San Diego - Resources205976
- World Beyond War - Pro-Peace and Anti-War Education272009
- Global Peacebuilding Center (United States Institute of Peace)43773
- Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators (United States Institute of Peace)43774
- INEE - Peace Education Program Materials43775
- DM&E for Peace - Learn43777
- Peace Tandem Handbook - Conflict prevention and resolution through language and culture exchange443877
- Peace Education Pack - CND UK43778
- Peace Education Resources - World Beyond War288414
- Pro-Peace and Anti-War Education - World Beyond War384017
- Cultivating Peace - Peace Education Materials43779
- USAID Solicitation for Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation Programs and Activities - FundsForNGOs 28.03.1443780
- Online Conflict Studies and Training Manuals (Peacemakers Trust)43781
- P.E.C.A. - Peace Education Course for Adults - Hand Book *.pdf43783
- Mainstreaming Peace Education Methodologies: Approaches and Visions - A Practitioner’s Manual (EU 7/14) *.pdf43784
- UN Cyber School Bus (Archive)43785
- Montessori Peace Education Directory (Archive)43786
- Curriculum, peace education and poverty alleviation - IBE / UNESCO (2004)43787
- Thousand Cranes Peace Network - Peace Talks43788
- Parenting for Peace and Justice - Resources43789
- Educating for Global Responsibility: Teacher-Designed Curricula for Peace Education, K-12 - Betty Reardon (1988)43790
- Teach Peace Pack - Peace Education Network43791
- PeaceBag for EuroMed Youth - UNOY *.pdf43792
- Southern Poverty Law Center - Teaching Tolerance43793
- Peace One Day - Education Resources 43794
- The Kid's Guide to Social Action : How to Solve the Social Problems You Choose - And Turn Creative Thinking into Positive Action (1998)43795
- Anti-War-Museum Berlin !43796
- War, Terrorism and Our Classrooms - Rethinking Schools43797
- Community-Based Institutes on Peace Education (CIPE) organizer’s manual - A Peace Education Planning Guide (2007) - IIPE *pdf43798
- Atrium Society - Causes of War43799
- Sadako Peace Education Kit (Archive)43800
- The Lion Lamb Project on Violent Toys43801
- Violent Toys - CPT (Archive)43802
- Flyer on War Toys (Archive)43803
- Iraq: Teaching resources - CBBC Newsround43804
- - educational material (Archive)43805
- Peace Education - Pathways to Peace (Archive)43806
- Human Rights 101. Teacher Toolkit - Thirteen/WNET43807
- Building Bridges - sharing peace, empowering people (Archive)43808
- Global Village School - Resources for Educators43809
- Introduction to Practicing Nonviolence with Children - A Resource for Families and Teachers *.pdf205975
- Encouraging Non-violence in Young Children’s Play205977
- Raising a Non-Violent Child205979
- Preventing Violence by Teaching Non-Violent Problem-Solving205980
- Audio CD: Peaceful Parenting: Naomi Aldort 205982
- Book: Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves: Transforming parent-child relationships from reaction and struggle to freedom, power and joy205981
- Aggressive Behavior in Toddlers 1.02.16205978
- Youth4Peace Training Toolkit (United Network of Young Peacebuilders)206268
- 25 Stories for Peace (United Network of Young Peacebuilders) *.pdf206269
- Designing Learning for Peace (Mainstream Peace Education) *.pdf206270
- United Network of Young Peacebuilders - Resources Page206271