- Friends World Committee for Consultation - Quakers41552
- Quaker Council for European Affairs - QCEA - Brussels, Belgium41553
- QCEA Blog41554
- Quaker United Nations Office - QUNO - Geneva / New York41555
- European Quaker Study Centre - Woodbrooke, Britain 41556
- The Religious Society of Friends - Link resource - USA41557
- Presbyterian Church (PC USA)41558
- Baptist World Alliance - BWA41560
- European Baptist Federation - wikipedia41561
- Southern Baptist Convention - SBC41562
- Unitarian Universalist Association41563
- YMCA World - Young Mens Christian Association41564
- Compassion's Christian child development ministry.41565
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation - IFOR - International Office - Netherlands41566
- Anabaptist - Wikipedia41567
- German protestant Church Congress 201341568
- Evangelical Church in Germany - Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland - EKD41569
- Young Church journal - Junge Kirche - Germany41570
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) - German Yearly Meeting41571
- Working Group Mennonite communities in Germany - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden in Deutschland41572
- Union of Evangelical Free Church Congregations in Germany - wikipedia41573
- Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada458077