Pro Ballistic Missile Defence - hawks & warmongers
- USASMDC - US Army Space and Missile Defense Command35813
- The Heritage Foundation - Missile Defense35814
- High Frontier - The Organization Behind Missile Defense35816
- Center for Security Policy (CSP) - Peace through Strength !?35817
- CSP - Missile Defense (Archive 2006)35818
- Military-Industrial Complex Revisited: Pushing Weapons at Home - The Star Wars Lobby 6/99 (Archive)35819
- Military-Industrial Complex Revisited: The Star Warriors - Who's Benefitting from National Missile Defense? 6/99 (Archive)35820
- Statement of Lieutenant General Ronald T. Kadish, USAF Director, Missile Defense Agency 2/0235821
- Beware of a U.S.-Russia Deal on Missile Defense - Heritage Foundation 3/0035822
- Testimony of Robert G. Joseph (ABM Treaty) 4/9935823
- Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the USA35826
- Heritage Foundation Commission Proposes Global Missile Defense 3/9935827