Articles on Rainforests
- Rainforest Protection Reduces the Number of Respiratory Diseases - ENN 15.11.24441476
- The Surprising Case Against Replanting Destroyed Rainforests - Gizmodo 09.11.24442071
- Could a £2-a-day basic income be the key to protecting rainforests? - Guardian 22.08.24431443
- Are rainforests doomed? Not necessarily. - VOX 04.04.24408162
- Indigenous group calls on Ecuador to respect referendum to stop oil drilling in Amazon - EFE 01.02.24397979
- Pattern found in world’s rainforests where 2% of species make up 50% of trees - Guardian 11.01.24393656
- A Growing Movement Looks to End Oil Drilling in the Amazon - ICN 10.08.23398010
- Biggest carbon credit certifier to replace its rainforest offsets scheme - Guardian 10.03.23335004
- 5 things you didn’t know about rainforests - WEF 15.02.23329915
- Mapping of no-drill areas in Ecuador’s Amazon can be scaled for entire rainforest - Mongabay 13.02.23330380
- Even in recovery, previously logged tropical forests are carbon sources - Mongabay 25.01.23 326907
- What happened in the world’s rainforests in 2022? - Mongabay 29.12.22323832
- Seven reasons to be cheerful about the Amazon in 2023 – and three to be terrified - The Guardian 20.12.22322846
- The Amazon will reach tipping point if current trend of deforestation continues - Mongabay 03.10.22397980
- Tropical forests can regenerate in just 20 years without human interference - Guardian 09.12.21264365
- The Amazon rainforest is losing about 10,000 acres a day. Soon it will be too late - Guardian 07.10.21261844
- New index measuring rainforest vulnerability to sound alarm on tipping points - Mongabay 28.07.21251202
- 'Frightening' new data reveals humanity has destroyed two-thirds of world's rainforest - EcoWatch 09.03.21238267
- 'Frightening' New Data Shows Humanity Has Degraded or Destroyed Two-Thirds of World's Rainforest - CD 08.03.21237586
- Ecuadorian Amazon: Three European banks stop funding trade of oil - Al Jazeera 25.01.21233035
- One dollar invested in rainforests saves 5.4 dollars spent on other climate protection measures - Guardian 22.01.21233084
- Pinpointing tropical forests with high ecological 'quality' - ENN 25.08.20214865
- These scientists are listening to the Borneo rainforest to protect biodiversity - Ecowatch 17.08.20214379
- Restoring degraded tropical forests generates big carbon gains - ENN 14.08.20214212
- Data find rainforests lost 14,000 square miles in 2019 - EcoWatch 03.06.20208932
- Football pitch-sized area of tropical rainforest lost every six seconds - Guardian 02.06.20208839
- Indonesia to receive $56m payment from Norway for reducing deforestation - Mongabay 29.05.20208494
- Study investigates Atlantic rainforest regeneration in the state of São Paulo - ENN 28.05.20208486
- Study: tropical forests can handle the heat, up to a point - University of Leeds 21.05.20208170
- Ecuador’s Kichwa implement innovative approach to rainforest conservation - Mongabay 20.05.20207995
- Additional Context and Analyses on Goldman Sachs's Environmental Policy Update *PDF - 12/19193700
- Typo derails landmark ruling against Indonesian palm oil firm guilty of burning peatland - Mongabay 15.05.1832132
- With the support of People's Postcode Lottery, we can keep fighting to protect the 'lungs of the planet' - Global Witness 16.01.1832136
- Environmental Crusaders Risk Their Lives to Save Philippine Paradise - The Guardian 06.12.1732137
- Mangrove Forests Could Protect Us From Climate Change—If They Survive It - Earther 01.12.1732138
- New research shows why forests are absolutely essential to meeting Paris Climate Agreement goals - Mongabay 09.11.1732140
- Policy Brief: Forests and Land Use: Undervalued Assets for Global Climate Stabilization - Woods Hole Research Center 11/17 .pdf32141
- Rare victory for rainforests as nations vow to stop 'death by chocolate' - Guardian 08.11.1732142
- Indigenous forests could be a key to averting climate catastrophe - Mongabay 06.11.1732143
- How unhealthy is the haze from Indonesia’s annual peat fires? - Mongabay 03.11.1732144
- New measurements show widespread forest loss has reversed the role of tropics as a carbon sink - Science Daily 28.09.1732145
- Report: Stained Trade - Global Witness 01.08.1732147
- We are destroying rainforests so quickly they may be gone in 100 years – Guardian 23.01.1732149
- Scientists highlight the critical role of birds in forest regeneration – The Ecologist 16.01.1732150
- Journal: Trading forests: land-use change and carbon emissions embodied in production and exports of forest-risk commodities - Henders, S et al 22.12.1532151
- Has the EU fallen for Congo rainforest logging scam? - BBC 7/1332152
- World Bank refuses to review its support for logging in tropical rainforests despite criticism from its own independent evaluators - Greenpeace 2/1332153
- Shaman and British wife embark on rainforest campaign against oil threat - Guardian 1/1332154
- Logging blamed for Philippine flood deaths - BBC 2/1232155
- Bad Influence – how McKinsey-inspired plans lead to rainforest destruction - Greenpeace 4/1132156
- The Fight for Amazonia - Aljazeera 3/1132157
- Peru moves to shut down illegal gold miners in Amazon - BBC 2/1132158
- Palm oil deal aims to save forests and carbon - BBC 2/1132159
- Mass tree deaths prompt fears of Amazon 'climate tipping point' - Guardian 2/1132160
- Amazon drought 'severe' in 2010, raising warming fears - BBC 2/1132161
- Indonesia: Plan to displace coffee farmers in Jambi Province - Rainforest-rescue 11/1032162
- Tale of the Penan - 10/1032163
- A tree falls in Laos - Asia Times 10/1032164
- $5,000,000,000,000 (= 5 Trillion!): The cost each year of vanishing rainforest - Independent 10/1032165
- New gas pipeline prompts fears for Amazon rainforest - Guardian 8/1032166
- UK-imported animal feed blamed for rainforest destruction - Guardian 7/1032167
- The World Bank and the forest sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo: REDD FUTURE or GREENWASH? - Greenpeace 12/0932168
- Peat fires drive temperatures up - Franz Alt 12/0932169
- The U.S. Connection to Canada's Rainforests (Greenpeace USA)32170
- Tell Interfor To Stop Clearcutting Canada's Ancient Forests: Action Center (Greenpeace USA)32171
- Amizade Volunteer Vacations (Rainforest)32172
- Sulak Siviraksa's Testimony on Yadana Gas Pipeline32173
- Rainforest Information - mongabay.com32174
- Rumble in the Jungle - Pipeline in Thailand Destroys Forest32175
- Shame companies into using sustainable palm oil, says minister - Independent 11/0932176
- What lies beneath the rainforest - Independent 10/0932177
- Prince Charles: delay on rainforests will have catastrophic consequences - Guardian 5/0932178
- Amazon could shrink by 85% due to climate change, scientists say - Guardian 3/0932179
- Monks Involved in Nature Conservation - Thai Monks Forests32181
- Today's Ecological Adventure: Poacher's at Home - by Santikaro Bhikku32182