- Terre des Hommes - International Federation for Children, their rights and equitable development - Belgium / Switzerland25017
- UNICEF (UK) - protecting children's rights25018
- Child Rights Information Network - CRIN25019
- International Children's Peace Prize25020
- Human Rights Watch: Children's Rights !25021
- ai Campaigns - Children & Human Rights25022
- Children's Human Rights Network - Amnesty UK25023
- UNICEF: The Working Group on Girls - WGG25024
- Children's Investment Fund Foundation25025
- Arms Around the Child (UK)25026
- World Centers of Compassion for Children International - WCCCI25027
- PPU (UK) - Children War and Peace Project25028
- Coalition to Stop the Use of Child-Soldiers25029
- Human Rights Watch: Child Soldiers!25030
- CEOP (UK) - Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre25031
- Defence for Children International - DCI25032
- Defending the Children's Blog (UK)25033
- Kids Rights - Netherlands - eng, nl25034
- Asia Child Rights - AHRC25035
- Oak Foundation - Child abuse301945
- The Tibetan Children's Project25036
- Bienvenue à Partage (France) - association de parrainage d'enfants du monde25037
- Arizonans for the Protection of Exploited Children and Adults - APECA25038
- Terre des Hommes - Canada25039
- Terre des Hommes - Luxembourg25040
- Terre des Hommes - Saint Denis, France25041
- Terre des Hommes - Netherlands25042
- Terre des Hommes - Danmark25043
- National Youth Rights Association (NYRA) - USA205858
- Freechild Institute: Youth + Social Change (USA)205859
- MMCC Global453904
- Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA)453913
- Terre des hommes foundation454212
- War Child Holland454659
- War Child UK454661
- War Child International454662
- Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict454680
- Street Child454704
- Right To Play454906
- Native Scientist454968
- MAGNA454995
- Malala Fund454996
- Malaria No More454998
- Mary's Meals455004
- Lead Exposure Elimination Project455026
- Kindernothilfe455029
- The Chain of Hope455152
- Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA)455218
- ECPAT France455244
- ChildSafe Australia455427
- ChildFund Alliance455429
- The Van Leer Foundation455708