- Religions for Peace !17865
- World Council of Churches - WCC17866
- Network of Christian Peace Organizations (UK) - NCPO17867
- Peace Churches - Wikipedia17868
- Zen Peacemakers !17869
- Sakyadhita International - International Association of Buddhist Women17872
- Scottish Clergy Against Nuclear Arms - SCANA17873
- Peace and Social Witness (Quaker)17874
- Episcopal Peace Fellowship17875
- Lutheran Peace Fellowship17876
- Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America (BPFNA)17877
- Presbyterian Peacemaking Program (PCUSA)17878
- Pax Christi International17879
- On Earth Peace !17880
- Kairos Action (Archive)17881
- Jerusalem PeaceMakers17882
- Jewish Peace Fellowship17883
- Shalom - The Jewish Peace Fellowship17884
- Orthodox Peace Fellowship17885
- Interfaith Communities United for Justice Peace (ICUJP)17886
- 75 U.S. Catholic Bishops Condemn Policy of Nuclear Deterence17887
- Peace Justice Committee of the Mennonite Church17888
- The Morality of Nuclear Deterrence: An Evaluation by Pax Christi Bishops in the US17889
- Franciscan Justice and Peace Files (Archive 2001)17890
- A Call to the Leaders of the World Regarding Nuclear Weapons 6/98 (OFM)17891
- Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel - EAPPII17892
- Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)17893
- IFCO / Pastors for Peace (USA) - Latinamerica & Caribbean17894
- IFCO Pastors for Peace US- Cuba Friendshipment Caravans and Legislative work17895
- Institute for Global Communications 17896
- Zaltho Foundation17898
- Unitarians in Britain17899
- Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) - Canada17900
- Prophets Without Honor: A Requiem for Moral Patriotism (Algora Publishing)17901
- Prophets Without Honor: A Requiem for Moral Patriotism (amazon)17902
- Prophets without Honor: A Requiem for Moral Patriotism (B&N)17903
- Network of Engaged Buddhists UK17904
- Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)17905
- Global Coalition for Peace17906
- Presbyterian Church on Middle East (Archive 2002)17907
- Catholic Peace Fellowship17908
- Church and Peace - Germany17909
- Christians Aware17910
- Rissho Kosei-kai - Peace Activities17911
- Rissho Kosei-kai - Niwano Peace Foundation17912
- Doukhobor (Russian) - Wikipedia17913
- Peace churches - Wikipedia17914