- International Peace bureau - IPB - International Office15629
- War Resisters International - WRI - International HQ - London / Britain15630
- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War - IPPNW - European affiliates15631
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation - IFOR 15632
- Peace Brigades International - PBI International Office - London/Britain15633
- nonviolent peaceforce - NP Head Office - Brussels / Belgium15634
- European Network Against Arms Trade - ENAAT - HQ Netherlands15635
- European Network for Civil Peace Services - ENCPS15636
- European Antimiltarist Network15637
- Quaker Council for European Affairs - QCEA - Brussels - Belgium15638
- Church and Peace - European Ecumenical peace church network 15639
- Pax Christi - International secretariat - Brussels/Belgium15640
- Justitia et Pax - Europe15641
- European Peace Action15642
- Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict - The Hague, Netherlands15643
- tilt! - Twitter 194448
- War Starts Here15645
- EMPATH EU - Peace Education and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution15646
- Bike for Peace and New Energies15647
- European Mediation Network Initiative - EMNI15648
- European Peacebuilding Liason Office - EPLO - Brussels/Belgium15649
- Coalition for the International Criminal Court - The Hague, Netherlands15650
- The European Peace Movement - Conversation with Petra Kelly and Gert Bastian 11/8415651
- The European Institute of Peace 221537
- European Law Students Association - ELSA15652
- NGOs at the OSCE (Sweden) (Archive 2008)15653
- ekta europe15654
- European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine - Brussels, Belgium15655
- BDS movement15656
- @ScotPeaceNet - Scottish Peace Network209002
- @JandPScotland - Commission of the Bishops' Conference of Scotland235449
- @ebcobeoc438871
- The European Peace Walk: A 570km Journey Celebrating Peace and Unity - Peace Walk 10.11.24447524
- Tweet: EBCO group photo at the general assembly at the Peace House in Brussels, Belgium, hybrid meeting, with representatives from Belarus, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, …438872