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- Heed the events in France – populism is gaining ground and only a revolution can stop it - The Guardian 11.04.22295516
- As the tide of populism recedes, is it taking our civil liberties with it? - The Guardian 29.01.22295513
- In an era of rightwing populism, we cannot destroy democracy in order to save it - The Guardian 18.01.22295521
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- Czech election offers Europe an anti-populist boost - Al Jazeera 14.10.21295530
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- Spanish Left populism is dead, long live Spanish left populism - Academia 6/21 - PDF 295497
- A political populism far removed from Donald Trump - The Guardian 25.10.20295522
- Populism and the Pandemic - Academia 6/20 - PDF295470
- The trouble with anti-populism: why the champions of civility keep losing - The Guardian 14.02.20295510
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- Why Europe’s new populists tell so many lies – and do it so shamelessly - The Guardian 30.09.19295512
- Exploring the rise of populism: 'It pops up in unexpected places' - The Guardian 22.06.19295514
- Capitalism, populism & crisis of liberalism - Monthly Review 12.06.19295534
- Rage, rapture and pure populism: on the road with Nigel Farage - The Guardian 19.05.19295524
- Why copying the populist right isn’t going to save the left - The Guardian 14.05.19295523
- What is authoritarian populism and why should it be combatted? - The Anarchist Library 10.04.19295538
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- From reformer to 'New Sultan': Erdoğan's populist evolution - The Guardian 11.03.19295519
- How a populist president helped Bolivia's poor – but built himself a palace - The Guardian 07.03.19295525
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- Populist Peril to Democracy: The Sacralization and Singularization of Competitive Elections - Academia 2019 - PDF295486
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- Why is populism suddenly all the rage? - The Guardian 11/18295517
- How populism emerged as an electoral force in Europe - The Guardian 11/18295518
- How populism became the concept that defines our age - The Guardian 11/18295509
- Could populism actually be good for democracy? - The Guardian 10/18295520
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- Socially mediated populism: the communicative strategies of political leaders on Facebook - Academia 2018 - PDF 295490
- Populism and the broken promises of democracy: towards a partyless democracy? - Academia 2018 - PDF295481
- The Political Economy of the Contemporary Rise of Populism in Western Democracies - Academia 2018 - PDF 295491
- The Populism/Anti-Populism Divide in Western Europe - Academia 2018 - PDF295484
- Illiberalism, populism and democracy in East and West - Econstor 2018 - PDF295504
- Populist Radical Right Mainstreaming and Challenges to Democracy in an Enlarged Europe - Academia 2018 - PDF295496
- Populism and Democracy: Laclau’s theory of Populism: The Royal Road to Totalitarianism? - Academia 2018 - PDF295502
- Populism, Left-wing Populism and Patriotism - Academia 6/17 - PDF295487
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- Extreme Parties and Populism: An Analysis of Facebook and Twitter across Six Countries - Academia 5/17 - PDF295495
- European Populism: toward a (stricter) minimal definition - Academia 4/17 - PDF295478
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- Re-conceptualizing populism: Bringing a multifaceted concept within stricter borders - Academia 2017 - PDF295475
- Populism, a Thread and a Chance. Between Demagogy and Participation - Academia 2017 - PDF295476
- The Rise of Populism: Lessons for the European Union and the United States of America - Academia 2017 - PDF295480
- Populism and Social Media: How Politicians Spread a Fragmented Ideology - Academia 2017 - PDF295483
- A Political Sociology of Populism and Leadership - Academia 2017 - PDF 295492
- Indian Muslims between Exclusion and Political Populism - Al Jazeera Studies 11/16295532
- The Political Theory and Paradoxes of the Governing Populism in Hungary - Academia 11/16 - PDF 295494
- Populism as the Problem Child of Democracy: An analysis of the AKP’s Endurance through Meso-level Actors - Academia 10/16 - PDF295488
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- We have populism because there is no people - Mario Tronti - libcom 6/15295537
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