Socio-Ecological Systems
- Study Helps Explain How Wolf Removal Can 'Unravel' Key Ecological Systems - CD 20.06.24423507
- What Elinor Ostrom can teach us about ecology, common ownership and community - Ecologist 09.03.18168426
- How systems theory can help us reflect on the world - Ecologist 06.03.18168427
- What is resilience? - Stockholm Resilience Centre 17168428
- Elinor Ostrom, her Nobel Prize, and her rules for ecologist radicals - Ecologist 21.09.17168429
- Video: Elinor Ostrom on resilient social-ecological systems - Stockholm Resilience Centre 25.01.13168430
- Video: Carl Folke: Marine social--ecological systems, resilience, and global change - ICES 19.09.12168431
- Video: What is Resilience? - Stockholm Resilience Centre 01.04.11168432
- Book: Principles for Building Resilience: Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Social-Ecological Systems - Biggs, R et al 15168433
- Book: Linking Social and Ecological Systems: Management Practices and Social Mechanisms for Building Resilience - Berkes, F et al 04/00168434
- Book: Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change - Berkes, F et al 08168435
- Journal: Seagrass meadows globally as a coupled social–ecological system: Implications for human wellbeing - Cullen-Unsworth, L.C et al 30.06.14168436
- Journal: A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems - Ostrom, E 24.07.09168437
- Complexity of Coupled Human and Natural Systems - Liu, J et al 07168438
- Journal: Resilience and stability of ecological systems - Holling, C.S 73168439