International Day of Democracy - September 15
- Democracy and the United Nations169045
- International Day of Democracy - UN - September 15169041
- International Day of Democracy - IPU169042
- UNESCO - International Day of Democracy233128
- Inter-Parliamentary Union301149
- US Aid - 2021301152
- Wikipedia169046
- People Power Revolution - Wikipedia301154
- Facebook169049
- Google News169055
- Google Images169059
- YouTube169050
- #DemocracyDay2022305138
- #DemocracyDay169054
- #InternationalDemocracyDay301159
- #ProDemocracyJournalism301158
- #FightForDemocracy305139
- #VotingRights305136
- #MediaFreedom305137
- Protecting Press Freedom for Democracy - UN 233129
- Tweet: Democracy enables people to shape their futures. This #DemocracyDay, Sunday 15 September, embrace the power of voting and having your demands heard. - @UNGeneva 13.09…432011
- Tweet: This year’s #DemocracyDay looks at the complex relationship between democracy and digitalization. - @UNDP 13.09.24432010
- Democracy is built from the grassroots: Congress President statement for International Day of Democracy - Council of Europe 13.09.24432008
- OAS Permanent Council to Commemorate XXIII Anniversary of the Inter-American Democratic Charter and International Day of Democracy - OAS 09.09.24432009
- Conference - International Democracy Day Brussels 2022 - European Committee of the Regions, Brussels - 15 September, 11:45–13:00305141
- IDEA - Round table on Democratization in Africa - 15 - 16 September 2022 09:00305147
- Advocacy groups to hold briefing prior to International Day of Democracy - Alabama Reporter 13.09.22305143
- Still Top of the Class? Sweden’s Democracy in a Global Perspective - IDEA 12.09.22305144
- Towards the restoration of democracy in Myanmar: Reflections on Democracy Day - IDEA 12.09.22305145
- Scholar who saw all this coming: Americans "do not really understand liberal democracy" - Salon 12.09.22305148
- Marking International Day, Secretary-General Stresses Democracy Cannot Survive without Free Press, Freedom of Expression - America Times 06.09.22305146
- Opinion: Corruption is a pandemic. The solution is democracy - Devex 27.09.21301156
- Every Day is an International Democracy Day - IRI 15.09.21301153
- Ways to tackle democracy challenges posed by COVID-19 crisis - Times Now 15.09.21301155
- International Democracy Day - UNDP 15.09.20233130
- Video: International Day of Democracy message from NED president and CEO Damon Wilson - NED 14.09.21301157
- Social media toolkit: International Day of Democracy 2020301150
- UN chief urges ‘active, substantive and meaningful participation’ on International Day of Democracy - UN News 14.09.19233131
- International Day of Democracy- Remarks by Jimmy Carter 9/08 - YouTube169058