Research / Publication Portals
- Global Open Knowledge Hub144274
- Open Knowledge Repository (World Bank)144279
- British Library for Development Studies: E-Library144284
- The World Counts - Data on many of the critical global challenges.229073
- IDRC Digital Library144285
- British Library for Development Studies - BLDS144286
- Palgrave Open - Development Studies144289
- Palgrave MacMillan - Books on Development144290
- Governance and Social Development Resource Centre144291
- IssueLab - International Development144295
- Virtual University of Uganda - Directory of Open Access Online Libraries144296
- IDS OpenDocs144297
- United Nations Publications144300
- The Good Country: Measure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity390107
- RRojas Databank: Materials on economics, development, research methods, globalization, poverty, sustainability, environment, China, Chile, Asia, Latin America.144301
- The Communication Initiative Network144302
- R4D (Research for Development) - DFID Portal144306
- Appropedia 144307
- Zed Books144308
- African Journals Online144312
- Digital Access to Scholarship @ Harvard - International Development144313
- Digital Library of the Commons (Indiana University) - International Development144314
- Digital Access Commons (University of Nebraska) - Social & Behavioural Sciences144317
- Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (registration required)144318
- Forced Migration - Digital Library144319
- POPLINE (Family Planning & Reproductive Health)144322
- UN Habitat - Urban Knowledge Portal144323
- UNEP Online Access to Research in the Environment Programme144324
- ICT 4 Development - Development Studies Journal Rankings144327
- Directory of Open Access Books (General)144328
- Open Access Library (General)144329
- Open Access Theses & Dissertations (General)144332
- OAPEN Library (General Social Sciences & Humanities)144333
- Social Science Research Network (General Social Science)144334
- Social Science Open Access Repository (General Social Science)144337
- Paperity (General)144338