Private military and security companies
- Private Military & Security Companies138390
- ICRC - Private military and security companies (PMSCs)357175
- ICoC - International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers138392
- Private Security Monitor - University Denver138395
- Security company - Wikipedia268244
- Private military company - Wikipedia268242
- Blackwater - wikipedia138391
- List of private military contractors - Wikipedia268243
- Montreux Document - 2008138396
- Chinese Counterterrorism in Africa - Stimson 31.07.24429165
- Mercenary warfare around the world - Atlas of Wars 23.07.23374290
- Private armies are making a killing - UnHerd 11.04.23357264
- Shadowy groups of Western military veterans are operating on the ground in Ukraine, largely unregulated - Telegraph 23.01.23357265
- Issue brief: Privatizing war: The impact of private military companies on the protection of civilians - Civilians in Conflict 12/22357262
- Violations by mercenaries and private military and security companies highlight urgent need for maritime security oversight: UN experts - OHCHR 01.11.22357255
- Publication: Hidden Costs: US private military and security companies and the risks of corruption and conflict - Transparency International 09.08.22357244
- A new wave? Addressing the contemporary use of private military and security companies in armed conflict and complex environments - DCAF 05.08.22357179
- ‘White hands’: The rise of private armies in African conflicts - Al Jazeera 28.04.22295559
- Publication: Private Military and Security Companies: A New Form of Mercenarism? - Policy Center 14.02.22357182
- A Stealth Industry: The Quiet Expansion of Chinese Private Security Companies - CSIS 12.01.22357246
- Private Military and Security Companies and The Militarization of Humanitarianism - SAGE 25.12.21357249
- Private military companies: Empowerment of state or privates? - The Daily Guardian 23.08.21295556
- Blurring the monopoly on violence: Private Military and Security Companies and coercive state power - TNI 05/21357252
- Video: Are private security firms following international law? - Al Jazeera 21.02.21295558
- After Blackwater: The changing visual identity of private military and security companies - Security Dialogue 26.01.21357251
- Video: How The Private Military Industry Went Global - CNBC 23.07.20359470
- Report: Mercenaries and Privatized Warfare Current Trends and Developments - OHCHR 24.04.20357263
- Private Military and Security Companies: Views from the UK and Russia on Regulation and Accountability - RUSI 22.04.20357247
- Video: Eeben Barlow: Inside the world of private military contractors - Al Jazeera 05.01.20295557
- Mercenaries and War: Understanding Private Armies Today - NDUP 04.12.19357253
- Britain is the world centre for private military contractors – and it's almost impossible to find out what they're up to - Open Democracy 20.12.18357180
- Britain’s private military and security industry examined - AOAV 20.12.18357177
- Mercenaries, Private Military Contractors Can Destabilize Rule of Law, Expert Tells Third Committee, amid Calls to End Racism, Respect Migrant Rights - UN 30.10.18357257
- The Invisible Army: Explaining Private Military and Security Companies - E-IR 02.08.18357178
- Report: Mercenarism and private military and security companies - OHCHR 2018357176
- Soldiers of Fortune: the Rise of Private Military Companies and their Consequences on America’s Wars - Berkeley Political Review 25.10.17357261
- The industry of inequality: why the world is obsessed with private security - The Guardian 5/17295550
- Guns for hire in Hereford: inside England's unlikely global security hub - The Guardian 1/17295554
- The return of the dogs of war: what's it like to be a soldier for hire? - The Guardian 2/16295549
- Britain is at centre of global mercenary industry, says charity - The Guardian 2/16295551
- Video: Military contractors: Mercenary or necessary? - Al Jazeera 4/15295560
- The Hazards of Going to War for Profit - Our World 29.10.14357181
- The Privatization of War: Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC) - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre 05.03.13357243
- Private security firms paid £29m last year for contracts in Afghanistan - The Guardian 3/11295553
- UN Use of Private Military and Security Companies: Practices and Policies - JSTOR, 2011357250
- Regulate private military firms to stem rights abuses, ministers told - The Guardian 10/09295555
- Corporate Mercenaries: The threat of private military and security companies - GSDRC, 2006357248
- Who commands the private soldiers? - The Guardian 5/04295552
- PMSCs: Risks and Misconduct - GPF 357254
- The Morality of Private War: The Ethics of Using Private Military & Security Companies - PACCS Research 357258
- Private Military Companies - Overview of the Phenomenon - Medecins Sans Frontieres 357259
- Involvement of Private Contractors in Armed Conflict: Implications under International Humanitarian Law - ICRC 357260
- Role of mercenaries, mercenary-related actors and private military and security companies in the trafficking and proliferation of arms, Report of the Working Group on the use…449506