ELECTION 2013 - Hassan Rouhani
- Twitter122982
- Google News122983
- Guardian - Iran122984
- Press TV - Election News122988
- Guardian - Tehran Bureau122989
- GUARDIAN - Hassan Rouhani122990
- Guardian - Iranian presidential election 2013122994
- Iran Presidential Election 2013 - Wikipedia122995
- Iran Election 2013 - Press TV YouTube Channel122996
- Hassan Rouhani - Wikipedia123000
- Hassan Rouhani Website123001
- Google Translate123002
- Association of Combatant Clerics - Wikipedia123006
- Rohani urges West to stop using language of sanctions with Iran - Press TV 8/13123007
- Iranian cleric Hassan Rouhani elected as president Interior - Guardian 15.06.13123008
- Iran elections: 'wherever Rouhani speaks there's a frenzy - Guardian 6/13123012
- Iran's Interior Ministry releases official list of approved presidential hopefuls - Press TV 5/13123013
- Iran Election Watch 2013: The Ahmadinejad-Mashaei Current – Much ado about nothing? - The International 2/13123014