NGOs - Stop Arms Trade
- ENAAT - European Network Against Arms Trade - 132871
- No EU money 4 arms - ENAAT - facebook132872
- International : Global Net - Stop the Arms Trade132873
- Revitalizing debate on the global arms trade - World Peace Foundation325271
- ICAN - international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons132874
- International action network on small arms - IANSA - London, Britain132875
- Belgium: I Stop the Arms Trade campaign - eng, nl, fr132876
- Belgium : I Stop the Arms Trade campaign - facebook132877
- Belgium : ArmsTradeWatch - How Europe makes a killing - project vredesactie190256
- Britain : Campaign Against Armstrade - CAAT UK - London 132878
- CAATblog - diary of campaigners against arms trade - Britain132879
- CAAT - University Network132880
- CAAT - youtube132881
- Britain : Stop the Arms Fair132882
- Britain : Notts Antimilitarism 132883
- Britain : Bristol against arms trade 132884
- Britain : Stop Cardiff Arms Fair - Na i Ffair Arfau Caerdydd - Wales132885
- Britain : Shut Down H&K - The campaign against Heckler & Koch in the UK132886
- Britain : Disarm DSEI 132887
- Britain : War on Want - Stop the Business of War132888
- Britain: Omega - independent research organisation132889
- Britain : EU arms trade tracker132890
- Britain : Arms to Renewables132891
- Forum on the Arms Trade - Twitter132892
- France : Stop Fuelling War132893
- France : Stop Fuelling War - facebook132894
- France : L’observatoire des armements132895
- Germany : Campaign : Action Outcry : Stop Waffenhandel - Stop Arms Trade - 132896
- Germany : Atomwaffenfrei blog - eng132897
- Germany : Arms Export Trading - Jan van Aken, MP - Berlin 132898
- Germany : Keine Waffen vom Bodensee132900
- Germany : RüstungsInformationsBüro - Informationsportal zu Rüstungsproduktion und Export132901
- Germany : German Arms Trade. facts & backgrounds. BITS - Berlin Center for Transatlantic Security - eng, ger132902
- Germany : Büchel atomwaffenfrei - campaign132903
- Germany : Ohne Rüstung leben132904
- Germany : Jürgen Grässlin - »Germany’s most prominent opponent of the weapons industry.« (Der Spiegel)132905
- Germany : Bremische Stiftung für Rüstungskonversion und Friedensforschung132906
- India : Control Arms Foundation of India132907
- Italy : Control Arms132908
- Italy : Controll Armi 132909
- Netherlands : Campagne tegen Wapenhandel 132910
- Netherlands : Broekstukken - Blog on (Dutch) armstrade132911
- Netherlands : Explosieve Export - Hier komen Nederlandse wapens écht terecht132912
- Norway : Norges Fredslag 132913
- Switzerland : JA Für ein Verbot von Kriegsmaterial-Exporten - GSoA 132914
- Switzerland : GsoA - Group Switzerland without Army - Gruppe Schweiz ohne Armee132915
- Arms Control Association - ACA132916
- cartoon : "Products made by nobelprize winner Europe" 2012 - Germany132917
- Report: Trading arms, bombing towns – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom 15132918
- Control Arms - New York / USA132919
- Osservatorio Permanente sulle Armi Leggere - Italy132920
- Canada : Coalition to stop arms trade - Ottawa132921
- Stop Fueling War290442
- Rauhanliitto - Finland132922
- Centre d'Estudis per a la Pau JM Delas (Spain)132923
- Campanya Contra el Comerç d'Armes (C3A, Spain) (Archive 2003)132924
- Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers (NISAT)132925
- Who is arming Israel ? Armstrade und military cooperation between Europe and Israel - 132926
- London Catholic Worker132927
- London Campaign Against Arms Trade369514
- resource : SIPRI Arms Transfer Database132928
- resource : SIPRI - Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2010132929
- resouce: 2020 NPT Briefing Book201119
- ForcesWatch369519
- The Forum on the Arms Trade369516
- @dED_ucation369520
- @CAATuk369509
- @ArmsTradeCT369510
- @Quakers_RoR369511
- @_ENAAT369512
- @londoncaat369513
- @LAATCanada369515
- @CaatData369517
- @ForcesWatch369518
- @OLDpeacejustice450053
- @ForumArmsTrade450054
- @ArmsTreaty450055
- @CentreDelas450056
- @PoliticalQuaker450057
- @StopSdsc450058
- @DisarmQuaker450059
- @ForumArmsTrade450060
- @SIPRIorg450061
- @declassifiedUK450062
- @RetePaceDisarmo450063
- Myanmar amputees under siege by junta landmines, harassment and blockades of prosthetics, say UN experts - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 22.11.24441773
- Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation and Violence: Estimating its Scale and Forms - International Action Network on Small Arms, International Peace Information Service …297475
- Explosive Weapons: Declaration to Curb Civilian Harm - HRW 05/22297515
- Autonomous weapons: The ICRC calls on states to take steps towards treaty negotiations - International Committee of the Red Cross 08.08.22299460
- Addressing the linkages between illicit arms, organized crime and armed conflict - UNIDIR, UNODC 15.09.22305413
- Explosive Weapons Declaration to Curb Civilian Harm Milestone International Political Commitment Open for Signature - HRW 20.09.22306580
- Massive Firearm Buybacks in Australia and Four Other Countries: International Experience and Research - Gun Policy 06.09.22309182
- Danish Demining Group (DDG)453597