Selected Articles
- Punish the men who pay for sex, rather than the women lured into that life - Guardian 25.08.24429593
- French equality watchdog finds 90% of online pornography abuses women - Guardian 27.09.23374106
- Breaking Vicious Cycle of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation - Global Issues 29.04.22284903
- Lost in translation: do anti-trafficking organisations reflect their employees' views on commercial sex? - Open Democracy 25.08.21253869
- ‘Trafficked and Sexually Exploited Women and Girls Can Find Themselves Facing Prosecution and Conviction for Those Very Same Crimes’ - Human Wrongs Watch 25.01.21233225
- Child prostitutes: How the age of consent was raised to 16 - BBC 11/12128967
- Brooke Magnanti: Prostitution was empowering (Video) - BBC 10/12128968